Beginners - February 2013 (Page 57)

2d array memory use (quiz question)
how do you figure how many bytes a array of float arr , uses this was a question i can not find the formula or answer to , I thought you times the 8*8* 4 (by...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks that what i was doing but must have fat finger the calculator a... (by Lazysquirell)
fopen() to read/write harddrive.
Can we use fopen to perform read/write on a hard drive on windows?
[2 replies] Last: i knew that CreateFile() can do that, but i was curious about fopen().... (by time to c)
error message:error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _mainCRTStartup
// preprocessor directives---- #include <iostream> // for program input & output #include <string> // for string class...
[2 replies] Last: You don't really need to start a new project. Just go to project setti... (by AHCFan20)
pointer and NULL
hi!, i have a problem about how deleting the content-values of a pointer in c, without deleting the pointer and the memory that is allocated. what i do is: ...
[9 replies] Last: nope,that's not it.. but it's ok, for not null, i just wrote if(ips .... (by drazenmozart)
help with program Days Out
Write a program that calculates the average number of days a company's employees are absent. The program should have the following functions: • A function ca...
[1 reply] : You declared function with name double averageDays(int, int); but de... (by vlad from moscow)
by kpb17
C++ Pointer Help
I'm trying to figure out the value of pointers after the following code snippet int s ; int *iptr1, *iptr2 ; int **iptr3 ; for (int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i+...
[1 reply] : To get values of pointers you should output them on console. For examp... (by vlad from moscow)
formatting double output
My program involves getting double input, performing some calculations, and then displaying the double results along with the original input. I have the whole ...
[3 replies] Last: > Is that the only easy way to do it? How else could we do it? The sa... (by JLBorges)
Bunny exercise?
Hello, I am trying to make bunny object and give them a random name, but i get alot of program stopped working errors? and i don't now were they're coming fr...
[15 replies] Last: so my sorting functions works now:D Node *sort_list_up(Node *start... (by IINamoRII)
How to use multiple characters as input?
Hey guys, basically I'm working on creating a program for my chem class that will give you the molecular weight of a compound when you put in the name of a comp...
[6 replies] Last: It sounds like you've encountered the "Hello World" problem, where eve... (by Chervil)
How to properly use mutliple source files in this?
I have a text based game I'm working on. I've gotten the first part done where you simply enter in your info, Race, Class, Name, gender, etc. I don't want to pu...
[1 reply] : Save your other code into a separate cpp file, and make sure you don't... (by Daleth)
A Problem Using <ctime>
I am trying to get a date and time from the user and then store it into a tm struct . Then convert it into a time_t type for storage. When I need it again I ...
[1 reply] : I found out that I needed to set the tm_sec and tm_isdst members a... (by BReynolds)
Class to Class Access
I'm developing a basic attack structure in a text-based game to experiment with class structures. I have three classes; a UI class, an enemy class, and a player...
[5 replies] Last: No worries! (by jim80y)
What does mean .h
what is the difference between iostream and iostream.h?
[1 reply] : iostream is the name of one of the header files in the C++ standard ... (by Cubbi)
by hashly
Hello, im trying to compile this code but it keeps failing due to the Y being an undeclared identifier even though i declare answer as a local variable: #inc...
[5 replies] Last: When the compiler encounters the two function calls in main() it has... (by Alrededor)
by nasser
i want to add font color and Back ground color and image
[7 replies] Last: Also, system() is bad practice. See: (by closed account 18hRX9L8)
I'm a bit stuck on double pointers
Could someone possibly do their own version of double pointers? I tried looking at this example: ...
[4 replies] Last: No worries! (by jim80y)
error: no matching function for call to?
Hi guys, I've finished making a Double-Linked List in C++ which basically changes a Binary number to a Decimal using Recursivity. but when I compile it, I ge...
[5 replies] Last: No worries! (by jim80y)
Sorting a Singly Linked List
Well after searching high and low I can't seem to get this figured out. Im trying to sort a singly linked list and can't seem to do it correctly. So far this is...
[10 replies] Last: What would be a efficient way to set up a sorted linked list using th... (by cire)
by sir24
How to make this correct? please help
I am supposed to write a program that holds holds the following personal data: name, address, age, and phone number. Write appropriate accessor and mutator func...
[1 reply] : Try this and see if you can figure it out then. void PersonalInfo::... (by SamuelAdams)
Problems with switch-statement
I have trouble putting this program below into a switch statement at the next program under "case 3" Im new at C++ so its difficult to see the problem. I only g...
[2 replies] Last: I've also had cases where, if you're declaring variables within a cas... (by jim80y)
February 2013 Pages: 1... 5556575859... 67
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