Beginners - February 2013 (Page 54)

What is c++ used for , and is there future in it ?
So I was wondering , what is c++ all used for , and what kind of future does it have , is it worth learning it , is c# better ?
[11 replies] Last: Nothing, and not at all. Just kidding, C++ is a pretty big language t... (by ResidentBiscuit)
remove() function help
i need help with this bit of code. compiling it gives me an error string filename; string directory = "c:\\profiledata\\"; cout << "Enter in filename you ...
[2 replies] Last: And of course there... (by cire)
by Qeeet
Being argument, array a[2] isn't copied when calling function
Hi, I cannot understand why the following happens, please read to the end. The code below outputs this: a = 00 a = 10 a = 10 a = 10 a = 11 a = 11 0. ...
[8 replies] Last: I don't know. I turn on most flags telling compiller to treat standard... (by MiiNiPaa)
Need help with outFile with multiple loops
Any help would be appreciated. I'm getting caught at line 95 to 107. It will only output to the file one loop. Essentially I'm trying to create a grid that give...
[no replies]
Whats wrong with this?
I made this to try to learn how to use multiple source files. It's in code:blocks, and when I build it, I get no errors or warnings. When I run it just opens up...
[14 replies] Last: Move using namespace std; from mult.h to mult.cpp and this will be a... (by moorecm)
by hbhans
expected initializer
The folowing program will not compile. It says 5 14 C:\C++ stuff\test\main.cpp expected initializer before 'add' Can anybody tell me what this means? #i...
[5 replies] Last: Hi Zereo. Thank you very much. Henning (by hbhans)
Need help with Pig Latin
Hi to everyone! I'm trying to make a code that converts English to Pig Latin but i can't seem but i don't know how to add "-way" to a word if that word has n...
[2 replies] Last: I've made a new one and it kinda works. but when i tried adding it to ... (by Dammned Programmer)
How to code this program?
Part II: Improving the Barometer Drop (self lab) ================================================ The professor, angry at the loss of his favorite baromet...
[6 replies] Last: OK I get the picture now. But it would seem there's no need to start w... (by Chervil)
Can anyone plz explain me the output of the following program #include <stdio.h> int main() { int c=5; printf("%d\n%d\n%d", c, c <<= 2, c >>= 2); ...
[4 replies] Last: The calling convention is not the same as the order of evaluation. The... (by LB)
GCC-Ubuntu: How come this code works?
#include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int i ; i =9; printf("%i\n", i ); return 0; } This code compiles as well as runs correctly on gcc. How...
[4 replies] Last: Change int i to int i and the code will work :) #include <stdio.h>... (by vlad from moscow)
microsoft visual studio
my advance thanks to anyone who can help me in this program. the problem is the program only calculates the first month only it does not follow up can someone h...
[3 replies] Last: The code that coder777 gave you is a loop. When you look at a loop (i... (by closed account 17ihb7Xj)
Redefinition Errors with Include guard?
I have my files, main.cpp, CEXI.h, and CEXI.cpp Here is the important code in the three files: (The rest of my code will be down below) main.cpp #includ...
[6 replies] Last: @CorruptionEX It is not interesting what you were saying. I only wo... (by vlad from moscow)
Need help!
Yea hello all.. Would like help in spliting up my string which is in a text file. EG. Name,Class,Classroom,etc How would i be able to print lets say, c...
[4 replies] Last: @mirec Yea but thats the problem, i have to for example "Name,class,... (by whitesaya)
"Hello world" - yeah I know but I just started...
Hi guys... Just bought a book by Mike McGrath - C++ Programming in Easy Steps 3rd edition (probs a little out of date!) to make a start in learning C++, as I...
[7 replies] Last: hmm... that seemed to work... What does any of it mean? EDIT:------... (by shugs81)
Far too many results
For a piece of coursework we had to simulate a basic game of darts, I thought I had managed to get it to work, my code isn't particularly elegant but I thought ...
[3 replies] Last: found my fault changed: case '20': c = 1; break; ... (by Philip Wilson)
by orly24
delay error
#include <stdio.h> #include <dos.h> void main() { printf("1"); delay(1000); printf("2"); delay(1000); } and it says Compiling NONAME00...
[6 replies] Last: wew.. T_T ok tnx for the help (by orly24)
Almost done with my program. One problem. Please help!!
I am doing this plinko lab. If you don't know what plinko is, here is the picture : Multiple chips are inser...
[1 reply] : remove line 11 and put it at the beginning of the main() function. It'... (by coder777)
Ive looked at the tutorial and Im not getting what unions ares used for. Why are they associated a lot with typedefs and what do they do that structs cant? T...
[10 replies] Last: Basically I would go with the principal that Unions are outdated, they... (by newbieg)
can element be -ve value?
Hi, I have code in C : tilt = tilt[-tilt_step + 1]; my question, -tilt_step >> can element be -ve value? or it have another meaning?
[3 replies] Last: Thank you (by rhn1229)
sentinel loop problems.
Im having an issue with this loop. #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; void inputArray(double*); //void calculate(); //voi...
[4 replies] Last: Nevermind. Type in ("pause"). I should not be coding with no sleep... (by Octoballa)
February 2013 Pages: 1... 5253545556... 67
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