Beginners - February 2013 (Page 53)

Simple Program with Vague Error
error: expected unqualified-id before '{' token| I'm recieving this error on the line where my first bracket is, before the main portion of the code. The pr...
[1 reply] : I have tried a number of things, including removing the ; from int ma... (by shacktar)
Help with character array
Hello, I am seriously stuck on this part of my program in which I have to insert a character into the array and it then pushes the previous characters into the ...
[7 replies] Last: bump (by sh129951)
Character Array
I have been attempting this function for the past two days and can not seem to figure it out. void insert is called back into main with CHAR CH being input...
[1 reply] : One problem is that size is not an argument so unless it's a global,... (by AbstractionAnon)
by Niven
How do I set a programs search directories?
Basically, How do I tell my program to look in a certain place for any files (images, data, etc.) that it needs to run so that I can move the program from compu...
[7 replies] Last: Ok thanks; however, upon further research it seems that the problem I ... (by Niven)
by Pebble
For Loop
This is a piece of code from a book that wont compile. It report's index was not declared in this scope, And it look's like index will alway's be 0(zero). I a...
[2 replies] Last: Thank's maeriden. (by Pebble)
temperature conversion
I'm having issues getting this to run. im sure its a stupid mistake... anyone have any ideas? its supposed to allow me to input several different values... #...
[no replies]
the bubble problem help
#include <iostream> using namespace std; void sort(int array, int length); int main() { int a ={7,9,5,6,3,5}; int i; sort(a,6); for(i=0;i<=6...
[3 replies] Last: Make the prototype and the definition match. (by Zhuge)
How to recognise a shape in a grid (multidimensional arrays)
So guys, say you have a tic-tac-toe game which already works. When is the winner declared? When you find three matching characters in a row, horizontally, verti...
[3 replies] Last: Anyone else have any ideas? If my question is too vague then I'll try ... (by WhiteWind)
Converting text to Pig Latin issue
Hi, I'm sort of new to C++, and need to write a code that converts text from an input file to pig latin and outputs it to another output file. I've written the ...
[4 replies] Last: Oh man, wow. I feel like an idiot. I didn't notice I had the wrong var... (by nbonzani)
My class syntax is invalid - but I don't understand!!!
Here's the code - it says unresolved symbol. #include <iostream> #include <time> class PAINTER { public: PAINTER(); ~PAINTER(); int bd; short caga; void Null...
[5 replies] Last: Some indenting in the code would help, too! (by jim80y)
How can i find the median from a vector with even number of values?
So ive been working on a C++ project for my college course for a few days now where we need to input an unknown amount of numbers into a vector and then find th...
[1 reply] : If vector.size() is even, the middle two values are at vector.size()/2... (by Zhuge)
tax program helppp pleasee
i just started with C++ program so i know very little programming . i have to make a program that calculates tax the senerio is this Federal: 15% on the first...
[no replies]
inputing text files into arrays
I am working on some college work and having an issue with my assignment. The problem I am having is that my program won't open the txt file. I've read though m...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the help. (by powah2players)
Char array wierd characters
CODE: #include <iostream> using namespace std; void testfunc(char* outStr) { //char str ; for(int i=0; i < 4; i++) { outStr = 'O'; } } int main(...
[4 replies] Last: thx got it working, btw sorry I took so long to reply (by Retrokin)
Looking for some assistance with C++
Hello everyone im new to this forum, My names Matt and im interested to see if anyone can help me out with 4 programs i have to for my school assignment. These...
[2 replies] Last: 1. Write a program to manage DVD rental in a video rental store. ... (by closed account 49hpfSEw)
by herold
Good books after clearing the fundamental of c++
Hy every one.I'm student of Masters first year.I have completed completed book named "Object Oriented Programming with C++" written by E.Balagurusamy. This book...
[4 replies] Last: I gone throw index of "Teach your self C++" by H.S. But i think it is ... (by herold)
I need to find a free complier
Does anyone know when I can get a free complier so I may place my code to hopefully create a new lab experiment???
[9 replies] Last: *nix (by ResidentBiscuit)
Initializing an array with string values
Hey all - I'm new here, sorry for the dumb question. For some reason I can't see what I am doing wrong here. I have a const set as const int size = 10; ...
[3 replies] Last: I'm glad you got it working and was more than happy to help! :) (by snow 56767)
The printbinary()
Can somebody help me with the printbinary function the compiler is reporting that its undeclared.i am new in programming.
[1 reply] : Uh there is no printbinary() function in the C++ standard library. Is ... (by ResidentBiscuit)
Reset a Variable after a FOR loop
Is there a way to reset your variables to its original value after it breaks out of a FOR loop?
[7 replies] Last: Thanks guys, it really helps. (by Frank Stolfi)
February 2013 Pages: 1... 5152535455... 67
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