by Bien30
Classes and passing values into them
[1 reply] : Just proceed as if you defined the class inside this file. (by maeriden)
by Z feng
error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '->'
[14 replies] Last: WOOOOOO, Great! It's working!! Ya, You create an uninitialized point... (by Z feng)
by rcast
Problem with class...
[2 replies] Last: Bollocks! ok, Thanks! (by rcast)
by pdaniels0013
I need some help with uninitialized local variables
[2 replies] Last: That fixed it. Thanks a lot! (by pdaniels0013)
by northmoose
Using assert after allocating dynamic memory
[4 replies] Last: Thanks! (by northmoose)
by theCoach
If/Else loop input validation
[4 replies] Last: this is incredibly helpful thank you kindly (by theCoach)
by audstep
Help with if/else homework
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. (by audstep)
by souper
Help with fork command
[1 reply] : That error is not a compile time error, but rather a linker error. Th... (by AbstractionAnon)
BMI Calculator Project (weight formulas) |
[3 replies] Last: No problem. It looked like the equations were functioning properly fr... (by aperio)
by s1l3nt
Creating a file from console
[3 replies] Last: To create the file: (by MrHutch)
by stc5097
Need help with code
[6 replies] Last: it worked lol. i realize now why it wouldn;t work with have the endl ... (by stc5097)
by bruntmjust
Trying to get the correct output!!!!
[1 reply] : And here is some more information: n = number of rectangles and/or tr... (by bruntmjust)
by napharian
Repeating character in c++?
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <string> unsigned re... (by cire)
by odai
what is the wrong in this code !
[13 replies] Last: #include<iostream> #include<cstdlib> #include<ctime> using namespace... (by eraggo)
by sirjames2004
Issues with Input Validation
[5 replies] Last: Fixed it. My cin,ignore statement for both snippets is now as follows:... (by sirjames2004)
by krutuk
Please, help me with this mistake. I'm totaly confused
[4 replies] Last: As I understood you, this program is bad at it purpose. Thanks, I will... (by krutuk)
by vrakas
Comparison of double,long double and floats
[3 replies] Last: @JLBorges Thanks a lot! I needed to read an article! @MiiNiPaa i dont... (by vrakas)
by kwnan
read and write to a file
[3 replies] Last: That is unfortunate, indeed. Why don't you give it another go and come... (by MrHutch)
by Jesper Hybel
Problem making simple loop
[no replies]
by tamimaddari
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, now I have re wriitten the code and it works fine. its a bit l... (by tamimaddari)