by H3avenlySoul
Average Rainfall (1,2)
[31 replies] Last: [quote=cPlusN00b]don't think you can assign a variable int to a consta... (by cire)
fmod/floor problem (double varliable returning 1 when computing fractional remainder) |
[1 reply] : Rounding to an arbitrary precision and displaying the digits correctly... (by toum)
by cppnoob99
References Help
[2 replies] Last: You're right I just read something similar on StackOverflow. Apparentl... (by cppnoob99)
by Fourc00h
Modulo %100
[4 replies] Last: I'm not too sure why I need % 100 in there for it to be a number from... (by AbstractionAnon)
by anonymousxyz
Downloading and Setting Up A C++ Compiler in NetBeans
[2 replies] Last: I really appreciate the reply! I got it to work. Thank you a lot! (by anonymousxyz)
by xNeverLetGo
Can't figure out what's wrong in my code?
[4 replies] Last: Oh, alright! Thank you so much! (by xNeverLetGo)
by Modred
Pass struct to class
[2 replies] Last: Perfect, didn't think to put the struct into a separate header. Thanks... (by Modred)
by whitesaya
Code Dump
[2 replies] Last: You have a problem with your loop at line 22. valid is not track... (by AbstractionAnon)
by PatrickD
Mach-O Linker Error Help
[2 replies] Last: Please post the exact error message you're getting. Your code comp... (by AbstractionAnon)
by vrakas
[4 replies] Last: Yes, however you need a custom comparison function to determine which ... (by AbstractionAnon)
by vrakas
Multimap question
[1 reply] : Let us say we want to implement a phone book, with the name as the key... (by JLBorges)
by whitesaya
Palindrome prog, removing whitespace
[3 replies] Last: > explain what does your for loop do, cause i don't really understand ... (by JLBorges)
Order of evaluation of this expression |
[6 replies] Last: [quote=Smac89]//doesn't matter what we do from here, the answer is tha... (by Chervil)
by Enchant
Implementing a reload function
[1 reply] : I fixed it by looking at how I did my cooldown and implementing this: ... (by Enchant)
by Daleth
Going beyond the boundaries of a 2D array map
[2 replies] Last: Functions involved with manipulating the map and displaying it: //.... (by Daleth)
by erastus28527
One error after compiling using codes:blocks compiler.
[no replies]
by cide
Generate a simple window..compile and download...tip for beginners.
[no replies]
by MirzaAdrian
Help with if and else
[9 replies] Last: Solved it! Thanks everyone! (by MirzaAdrian)
by viet10932
How to fix this error ( binary search)
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for helping. Have a nice day to you! Chervil (by viet10932)
Strange fstream |
[2 replies] Last: Ah, ok. That makes more sense. I'm afraid I don't get the "eofbit" or ... (by ParkourPenguin)