Beginners - February 2013 (Page 47)

Overloading Arithmetic Operators
So I am making a rational number class. Ive got it most of the way done accept when I use the + operator the program crashes. So I have a Rational class. All...
[9 replies] Last: Ok I read over the copy constructor material... Just not getting it. (by xarrtarrant)
Operator overloading woes: cin>>
Operator overloading seems to keep tripping me up. Here's my task (this is the same task as in my other topic, but since I'm asking about a different area, I fe...
[15 replies] Last: GOT IT! Haha, m had to be set to the size of the integer, not zero. T... (by INeedAHero)
difference between function header and function signature
hey, can someone explain to me what the difference is between function header and function signature?
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by chenzy
reading .txt file is killing me!!
I am confusing about how to read a .txt file of infix expression . I want to read this file and,,,, For each infix expression, the program should print the ori...
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Help with battle sequences in Pokemon style game
Hi, I'm new to the forums and c++. I'm creating a Pokemon style game and I'm trying to figure out a way to have the "pokemon" I collect level up after getting a...
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need to write a program that asks for up to 50 test scores entered on the same line separated by a space and ends when -1 is entered but the scores have to be 0...
[no replies]
Converting Strings to c strings?
Hey everyone, I'm currently trying to re-create the String Class for, well, class, and I'm running into a few issues. My plan was to edit the strings as c st...
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by Prax
Divide n conquer algo
I am using a divide and conquer method to divide an array till it contains only 4 elements or less , once it contain 4 elements we need to sum the elements whic...
[5 replies] Last: I could run the below code for 16 elements but when the elements in th... (by Prax)
by Addy09
CodeBlocks .exe problem
Hello, I have a problem, maybe someone can help me or at least tell that is not working. So I'm writing a code, it works perfectly, I compile it, the applicatio...
[1 reply] : The window will close down when the program ends. If you start the pro... (by Peter87)
by aminaa
#include<iostream> using namespace std; class A{ public: char* s; A(c...
[2 replies] Last: thank you so so much :) you are very helpful (by aminaa)
by jc4bs
Having Trouble with Nested Loops
I am writing a code that utilizes a nested loop, just one for loop inside another. Within the inner loop, I need an if statement that if true, would stop the in...
[2 replies] Last: I have located the problem. For some reason, (text == text ) is alway... (by jc4bs)
I cannot get the correct inputs.
I am currently working on a project that requires me to make a program that validates a date, with the leap year included. I have this so far #include <i...
[1 reply] : Ok, some of this syntax doesn't make sense, let's make this program a ... (by swigganicks)
by jy1310
Undefined symbol: Help please!
Hi all, I am super new to C++ and I am so confused with all the errors I keep getting. I don't seem to be able to locate or figure out how to fix it. I keep...
[no replies]
store 2-D vector
How to store a 2D vector to another 2D vector using push_back? void generation(vector< vector<char> > &world, vector< vector<char> > &world_copy) { vec...
[1 reply] : Why use push_back at all? If I understood your intent, you're looking ... (by Cubbi)
by quaw
hey guys so here i have a problem where is asking me that i need a primary expression before else mi don't get why its not working any help would be nice thanks...
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I created an executable program using Microsoft C++,it works but it automatically closes itself after running. How do I stop it from closing?
[2 replies] Last: "Sticky"? (by Bolong Yu)
Coding an OS (stupid topic But give it a chance)
I am going to try to make a os from scratch (I know you laughing in your head) Well i wanted to know what is the basic struture of a os. also where is a good si...
[4 replies] Last: I hope you already bookmarked - that's probably... (by Cubbi)
What is an advantage of dividing a program into multiple functions?
[no replies]
by n3wb86
Hello, I am trying to add two arrays
hello, I am trying to add two arrays and print the outcome; the outcome is correct, but when i use my print function the outcome differs. Any hints or help ...
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C++ Debugging Window
Hello Guys im fairly new to C++.. every Good Code need its debugging, so i was just wondering : which method is best for debugging? Which Debugging Framework ...
[4 replies] Last: yeah, thats it! thx! (by Amazonasmann)
February 2013 Pages: 1... 4546474849... 67
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