by cgarlick
undeclared identifier
[1 reply] : Is that really the entirety of your code? I'm thinking not. And what'... (by jim80y)
by kirohgoto
plsss help me in my assignment
[no replies]
by tmorlan
Dynamic Allocation Issue
[6 replies] Last: Thanks a lot for the help, it fixed most of my problems. I just have o... (by tmorlan)
by INeedAHero
Operator Overloading issue
[5 replies] Last: A good source for operator overloading is http://courses.cms.caltech.e... (by jim80y)
by person29
[8 replies] Last: how (by person29)
by jamesfalter
basic array problem
[1 reply] : try this, #include <stdio.h> int main(){ int a=10,b ; for(... (by arzhon)
by gladi
I have this Error
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for your time. You were right. I do have main but I had some... (by gladi)
by ckw77
Can Somebody Plz Help.. Lotto simulation
[no replies]
by Austin J
More trouble with header files...
[no replies]
by grady58
Counting vowels HW help
[1 reply] : Using the && operator will never get the program to stop, so one lette... (by Pickle Gunner)
by DANNY123
the multimap problem
[no replies]
by Sathington
Precision Errors in a Change Calculator
[3 replies] Last: Kewl (by greenleaf800073)
by ckw77
Lotto Simulation Help
[no replies]
by Octoballa
Issue with pointers
[3 replies] Last: Thank you so very much. the lack of the & before the name in the funct... (by Octoballa)
Inheritance Help - first time |
[2 replies] Last: setName and setPName are supposed to return a string , yet they d... (by Branflakes91093)
by INeedAHero
OOP is killing me (1,2)
[35 replies] Last: I would like to say that I corrected the segmentation fault (I forgot ... (by INeedAHero)
by mindheavy
if statement and a function
[1 reply] : That seems to be fine. Wazzak (by closed account zb0S216C)
by DANNY123
the exclusive word set
[2 replies] Last: I press ctrl+z but it shows ^z, still do nothing (by DANNY123)
Find each length of a multidimensional array (1,2) |
[30 replies] Last: Don't consider yourself daft - we're human, and our brains don't alway... (by LB)
by stdeez
[7 replies] Last: wordpad works perfect thanks. i feel like an idiot i thought about op... (by stdeez)