Beginners - February 2013 (Page 40)

by hvigil
Help converting a class to a template
Hello I'm having trouble converting a class to a template. It gives me two errors when I compile it. I cannot find whats wrong , but I'm pretty sure I did not w...
[3 replies] Last: 1>main.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void _... (by hvigil)
by jane2
need to solve an exercise
Hello guys. i really need some help on this !! create a class which contains 2 private members expressing the coefficients of a first grade equation with 1 vari...
[8 replies] Last: Okay, that shouldn't be too difficult, because by definition a first d... (by Thumper)
Functions that gets the largest of some values?
I'm writing two functions: One that gets the largest of two integers and one that gets the largest of three integers. The second function has to use first funct...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! (by phymafia123)
by tree
Help with a perfect number detector using pointers
Howdy folks, like the title says I have a homework assignment to code a perfect number detector in range 0 to a number input by the user. just in case: <http...
[6 replies] Last: No, it's you writing out of bounds, which causes undefined behaviour. ... (by ne555)
by jane2
hey take a look at this pls, i have test
create a class which contains 2 private members expressing the coefficients of a first grade equation with 1 variable, a function that returns the number of equ...
[1 reply] : Doublepost.. Please don't ... (by Thumper)
What does "While(n)" mean in C?
Hi all! I've seen many time things like while(n) {...} or if(n) {...} . What can it mean? Does it mean something such as “while variable n is undefined....
[3 replies] Last: Thanks a lot! ☺ (by Anthony973)
by Sumeth
Cout printing something unexpected.
Hi guys, I have recently started learning c++. I do however know java and some python. I decided to come up with a basic program that would do a times table a...
[1 reply] : The "ridiculous numbers" are simply uninitialised variables. Array Tim... (by Chervil)
template specialisation
Hi, Can anyone please tell me why the second function cannot be a specialization to the first ?? this code wouldnt run, template <typename T> void f(T*) ...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you very much guys...!!! (by Harish050887)
by desin
Reading until the line ends.
Soooo, I need to read characters until the end of the line. I know that the end of the line should be marked with /n character, and I assume that this should wo...
[7 replies] Last: ifstream fd("duom.txt"); string text; getline( fd, text); ... (by desin)
Just need a little help guys !
I am sorry to post a question about a calendar, because i've done some searching and found similar problems. The program shoudl function like this: 1 - Use...
[1 reply] : You may want to start by insuring your compiler is generating warnings... (by jlb)
Adding node to end of linked list
I have a header with inline implementation and I have a node header that returns all the values I need. I know my node header is correct, but when I run my prog...
[4 replies] Last: If you have a data member tail that points to the last node in the l... (by cire)
Need help with passing structs into functions.
Hey all, First time poster, hopefully someone could help me out. Basically my program needs to read some data from a file into an array of structs (or struct o...
[3 replies] Last: Oh thanks for the help vlad from moscow! (by blazer52)
String Vs Char *str
Dear i am very new in C++ and i am bit confuse also. i want to work on strings while searching about the functions of strings i found strcat strcopy strncat etc...
[4 replies] Last: > i want to know the functions with strings (by JLBorges)
Code Help - Copy Constructors
// Heap Data Member.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> using name...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks Jim. However I still have difficulty getting my head wrapped a... (by DELB)
How to store a number in different variables
Hello, I am working on this code where I need to store a 32 bit number but in two variables. For example: int num = 16777215; unsigned short MSB = 255;...
[8 replies] Last: Am I understanding this correctly? Yes. It's the same as doing num... (by toum)
file.eof and tabs
I have while(!file.eof() ){ //does something } in file there is a set of measurements last measurements is followed by a tab space my question...
[11 replies] Last: @Lynx thanks that would work. @Cubbi seems like the code that I am lo... (by dodohjk)
Code:blocks question
I've figured out I'm not doing the syntax wrong when I'm trying to use multiple files. I'm setting up my header files and stuff fine. It seems like code:blocks ...
[4 replies] Last: Yes, and I tried making sure the file wasn't precompiled. (by Austin J)
A simple calculator program
Following is my calculator program but i have two errors reported by my IDE 1)Error 1: error C3861: 'confir_mation': identifier not found c:\users\abhinav\do...
[2 replies] Last: You cannot call main(). The reason for "identifier not found" messages... (by Chervil)
how to read the text file exactly line by line?
i've been searching online for a long time and can not find the answer i am looking for. Here is the code I have currently: cout << "Which profile will you...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! It worked. (by fiji885)
by fusi0n
Strcopy understanding
Hi, my code is as follows: #include <iostream> #include <string.h> int main() { char bla ; strcpy(bla ,"haha"); strcpy(bla ,"hihi");...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you guys very much. I totally forgot about the '\0' char. (by fusi0n)
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