Beginners - February 2013 (Page 39)

Add two ASCII values?
In my C++ program, it contains 2 CHAR variables and the idea is to add these two together. For example the decimal number 5 (53 ASCII) + decimal 6 (54 ASCII),...
[3 replies] Last: Yep, thanks desin and Chervil, the latter was the one i needed, subtra... (by shadowofwar)
reading multiple inputs using array
so i have this program that needs to read multiple numbers entered in one line seperated by a space and after last number -1 to end the count then it counts how...
[11 replies] Last: needs to read something like this call to the array readArray\ #inclu... (by Josh Henry)
Problem Understanding Arduino Code
First off I want to list my code that I've typed up on the Arduino interface. // Programmer: Shane Yost // Date: February 9, 2013 // Project: ...
[7 replies] Last: @shanecy Oh the Arduino. I'm such an Arduino whore as of late. Even ... (by Thumper)
Can someone explain this loop to me?
How many times would looping appear in the screen and can someone please explain this thank you. int main() { int num = 5, count = 0; do { co...
[3 replies] Last: thanks guys! (by closed account 4wRjE3v7)
2D Arrays.
So my book provided me with a function prototype. void printTable(int rows, int cols, TwoDimArray aTable); Where the TwoDimArray is typedef int TwoDimArra...
[2 replies] Last: I was attempting to get it to pass several different manners, then for... (by Nahjil567)
Free c++11 beginner video tutorials on youtube! Requesting Feedback.
The playlist link is down below there is already 6.2 hours of video lessons, and more on the way. I need some feedback on how I am doing. These are 100% free ...
[3 replies] Last: I just had a look at a few videos, you teach well man, props. (by Fourc00h)
Reading Binary Files
So I'm having problem with the output of this program. The program runs and compiles, except when I look at the output it gives me the default contructor for th...
[7 replies] Last: You can read into the array in a similar manner, the problem is that y... (by LB)
Count characters in a string
Hi im new to coding and as an excercise i tried to make a program that gets a sentence or string from the user, then displays the number of a's, b's, c's, etc.....
[6 replies] Last: @lowestOne Index needs to be a char. It's intended to be output as suc... (by Thumper)
by sadric
How to change color of text output?
I wanna change the three colors of text characters output on the exe screen with blue background, what functions do I use with console I/O?
[2 replies] Last: Apparently using "system()" is discouraged. There are many discussions... (by Spot3)
how to check pointer to class object for null value
This is jamming me up a little bit. I've been thru the tutorial on this site but the bit about null pointers I apparently don't get.. Thanks in advance for any ...
[5 replies] Last: thanks :3 (by cPlusN00b)
by vhlam
2D array to simulate linked list
I'm trying to implement 2d array to simulate linked list for stack and I faced several difficulties doing so. How do I implement from Top to Bottom ordering?...
[no replies]
by Ratzer
Help with While Loop
Would really appreciate if anyone could help me with this as I am new to C++. I am trying to write a program that uses a while loop to keep looping until the...
[4 replies] Last: I changed my code. Thought this may help but still stuck as now the pr... (by Ratzer)
i need someone to finish this for $15
hey guys I coded this by myself and I only have 1 hour to turn in. I am really too slow to code it. Here is the assignment. I coded first assignment. I need som...
[8 replies] Last: katie dear, have any code written? (by cPlusN00b)
by MrGuy
Any suggestions for mt text based game
I just started this and I want to know if anyone has any suggestions for it. Hopefully your suggestions can help me make the game. here is all the code: ...
[no replies]
How To Study For A C++ Test.
To make a long story short I am in an introductory C++ programming class. The textbook we use is C++ For Engineers, And Scientists By Gary J. Bronson. So far in...
[1 reply] : I imagine one big thing will be syntax. For my early classes, part of... (by Lowest0ne)
fatal error C1189
hello!I just download Microsoft Speech SDK,set up,then set Option->Directoris, and I use this code: #include <sapi.h> #pragma comment(lib,"ole32.lib") #pr...
[no replies]
QT5 Question
So have been studying QT for a bit and have started to make a few simple programs, but the thing I am suck on is this. I want to be able to have a window pop...
[6 replies] Last: Ah, that works as well! Glad you got everything the way you want :) (by Thumper)
Using string::erase
Hello, I've been reading the string reference and playing around with everything I can manage to figure out. I'm trying to use erase to remove vowels from a str...
[9 replies] Last: Thanks a lot guys, yeah Jim I usually write all my code on paper to he... (by Fourc00h)
by gmsd
Switch statement
I was up until 4AM last night trying to figure this out for my payroll project. I just can't get it... My dilemma is incorporating the deduction of union dues f...
[1 reply] : To make the switch work, add a break; at the end of each case. To u... (by toum)
Problem with if statment
Hi I've been programming a simple code recently and I kept receiving an error with if-statement. expected identifier before '(' token Any help?
[13 replies] Last: What if, in the future, the definition of TOTAL changes to something ... (by SuperSonic)
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