Beginners - February 2013 (Page 38)

Help with hashing
This is my first time hashing with C++, and I hate it so far. So far I have the table layout (I think?). hashtable.h #include <string> #include <iostream...
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Breakout Clone - SDL
I'm developing a basic Breakout clone with SDL and I'm running into a few difficult pieces along the way. I have most of the game completed with the exception o...
[no replies]
program to read and analyze passwords
So I have to set up a program that will prompt a user to enter a password between 5 and 8 digits long and then it has to analyze whether or not the password fol...
[no replies]
by mirec
read it backwards
Hi my program is converter to hexadecimal number and it works fine but there is one mistake. I need code to make the output of convert function to print backwa...
[8 replies] Last: ok so basicaly is the same thing as i did. I just didn t know what u ... (by mirec)
Vectors and bubblesort, what to do?
OK, so my latest assignment has me replacing an array with a vector, and adding in a sorter to print out addressbook names in some order. I think I've managed t...
[19 replies] Last: bool operator>(const PERSON& p1, const PERSON& p2) is operator> o... (by cire)
by golkab
inData outData
I am trying to understand how to save to a file and how to access the file and display to the screen as my cout<<, can someone do a step by step for me so I ca...
[1 reply] : Your close #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <iomanip>... (by SamuelAdams)
Tutorial Required for C++ OOPS
Is there any good tutorial for Object Oriented Programming in C++. Please help
[1 reply] : Well OOP is quite a big subject so it would be hard to fit it all in a... (by closed account 3qX21hU5)
while loop not working
I am doing projecteuler problem 14 and i thought i had it down but for some reason i cant get my while loop to stop running when i = 1. i have tried using a tem...
[2 replies] Last: thanks for the tips! =) (by nathansmith72)
reading from different columns
I'm trying to read a .txt file with multiple columns, which all have the same number of spacing separated by a space but are different lengths. ie 123 456 25...
[2 replies] Last: I take it to mean you want only the value "456" from the first line. ... (by Chervil)
Passing dynamic array by reference?
So, in board.h I have: class Tile { public: enum State { Empty, Player, Opponent }; State state; }; in go.h I have: void OpponentTurn(Board, Board...
[2 replies] Last: Once I get out of the function, I believe tile[input1+(input2*board.Si... (by InDustWeTrust)
by progga
can you give me a assist here? how can i make this vertical road to a horizontal road? Give me some hints on moving the Road. Here's the Link of the code(i can...
[7 replies] Last: Create a new project, and run the code I wrote. It first displays a ho... (by Lynx876)
writing to an ostream via operator<<()
Hello there, I'm trying to get run an example from a book similar this: #include <iostream> struct Date { int y; int m; int d; std...
[4 replies] Last: no roblem... glad to help.. :) (by mirec)
^.^ something easy...
Im trying to limit the months in a year that only have 30 days to only give feedback for 30 days. Anything over that such as 4 31 2000 would give you a 'Please ...
[1 reply] : As example: #include <iostream> bool validate_date(int year, int mont... (by MiiNiPaa)
by Ch1156
so waht are you asking exactly, what do you need done?
[1 reply] : i need the exact code (by cjdricz)
Calculator Program Issue - ALMOST WORKING
I'm only allowed to use certain basic concepts, which is why the code looks like it does. The program is working, except after it computes the equation, I ne...
[5 replies] Last: The while (true) loop will run indefinitely, so we will need some way ... (by MiiNiPaa)
Why is this code with arrays not running ?
#include "stdafx.h" #include<iostream> using namespace std; int get_numbers(int prompt , int n); int _main() { int i; for(i=0;i<=7;i++) ...
[1 reply] : You haven't declared prompt in main. Try this: int get_numbers(int... (by Stewbond)
Redefinition/Previous definition of struct
I've googled, searched, tried different things, and I'm stuck. Learning C++, and one of the exercises is to pass a struct to a function. I've done that, but I...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you, Understanding concatenated is almost more help. Haven't g... (by CaptnJunks)
Help with output
I am reading in a file that is last name, first name middle name (if it exists) and trying to output as first name middle name (if it exists) last name. This is...
[4 replies] Last: I forgot about this actually and figured out things myself. My logic w... (by JacobA5)
Why does this output 5?
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int mystery( int x = 3 , int y= 0 ) { if ( y == 0 ) return x; ...
[1 reply] : The mystery function recursively calls itself, adding 1 to x and subtr... (by jim80y)
Displaying numbers as words
I wrote this code to turn numbers into words, however when I enter the three-digit number it fails to print out the tens place. I tried changing the order of th...
[1 reply] : @daniela93 Here's the corrected program. // Numbers As Words.cpp : ... (by whitenite1)
February 2013 Pages: 1... 3637383940... 67
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