by operandi
Yet another undefined reference to class::function error
[2 replies] Last: ah, thanks for the reply! you're right. (by operandi)
by Ch1156
SDL Simple 2d Colision
[3 replies] Last: Okay. Forewarning I have not compiled this code yet as I'm about to go... (by mezmiro)
by Ratzer
Random movement and collision detection
[3 replies] Last: Thank you Lynx that is perfect. I will have a go and post my code (by Ratzer)
by halamaker
How to get rid of warning?
[10 replies] Last: Ohh I see! Thank you again for all your help!!! (by halamaker)
by Underdog
3 integer calculator
[9 replies] Last: Can you explain to me all the cin. stuff? Don't know all of them... O... (by greenleaf800073)
by smg443
Xcode problem
[no replies]
by SadHatter
sqrt() Beginner in need of help plz
[2 replies] Last: *Blush* O.O oh... umm... *nervous chuckle* That solved my problem :P L... (by SadHatter)
by Starter13
Try-Catch (Catching Infinite Result)
[5 replies] Last: I need to review this "throw" syntax. I've been away from C++ for dec... (by Starter13)
by Anonagon
getline with opening and saving txt files
[6 replies] Last: No problem. I came across this problem ages ago. As of then, I never u... (by Lynx876)
by numbplum
Difference within compilers
[1 reply] : there are differences in compilers but none that should cause memory l... (by K0T4K0t4)
by kgor93
Need help with BubbleSort with pointer arrays
[2 replies] Last: I got it to work. I didn't make the program. It was assigned to me wit... (by kgor93)
by Xrubikz
Is it worth attending college; to learn how to program?
[no replies]
by kellybooo
Sir Mam
[2 replies] Last: Do you mean Brutus? As in, the brute force software? (by mezmiro)
by dundun12
Need some help with Class Average Grade Calculator
[1 reply] : Eactly what problems are you having? PLEASE USE CODE TAGS (the <> ... (by AbstractionAnon)
by salsaaa
constructive criticism needed
[1 reply] : Unfortunately, I am at work, and so I can only quickly look at it. Th... (by Oria)
by stefanz
for loop confusion
[7 replies] Last: [quote=pyoung673]1 doesn't equal 10 etc. Not the correct explanation... (by Chervil)
by pyoung673
Modulo (%)
[4 replies] Last: changed = to == worked great lol, can't tell ya how much time ... (by pyoung673)
by gelatine
cant compile my program?
[8 replies] Last: AVs hate the use of system() I know that part of the "story". But, l... (by S G H)
by ViceTegersof
"Moving" graphics in console
[5 replies] Last: Thank you for such fast replies, really appreciated. I'm afraid I'll ... (by ViceTegersof)
by Ch1156
SDL help movement not working correctly
[19 replies] Last: ah i see ok, awesome thanks. No what if i want to make the player imag... (by Ch1156)