Beginners - February 2013 (Page 33)

Why is this happening?
/* INPUT 'X' CHECK */ if(inputX == 0){ Block0 = PlayerMarkerX; } else if(inputX == 1){ Blo...
[3 replies] Last: It's true that the posted code doesn't give any information about what... (by Chervil)
do while loop won't terminate
Here's the loop: void feetToM() { int start, end; do { cout << "Please enter a starting and ending number of feet to convert:" <<...
[4 replies] Last: Use: while(start<0); (by Crys Ian)
by wer
Copy constructor
Integer I1(I2); // copy constructor called I1 = I2; // Values assigned member by member why we have to use copy constructor? Instead of...
[1 reply] : Sometimes the copy constructor is automatically used. #include <iost... (by Catfish3)
by kabuki
Pointer Help
int main(void) { float * totpayrate; float payrate; totpayrate += payrate; } I'm stuck on this situation cause I don't know how to fix this. M...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for translating what that means into English for me. (by kabuki)
Code will not read from directed txt file in visual c++!
I have a code here which I do not believe has any errors, but when I try to compile my code it can not read from the file I had saved with the source code. It's...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you so much cire, your last paragraph solved my problem. When I ... (by ffredgarr)
by Gui901
Vogal find program output problem
Hello to everyone, I made this program that finds the vogals on a word. The program is finding the vogals but this line of code cout << word1 << "\n"; , i pass...
[2 replies] Last: Hello, thanks for replying and for helping me. I search the net and s... (by Gui901)
find the longest word in a string
my code: #include <iostream> using namespace std; char*maxlenword(char*str) { char*ret=str; int curlen=0,maxlen=0; for(;*str;str++) { if(*str!=" ") ...
[1 reply] : Line 9: You're trying to compare a char with a char array. *str poin... (by AbstractionAnon)
How check if an input string is an integer
Hi everyone, I got into another issue while trying to parse an integer. This integer is received as part of a string eg: "num: 987" where "num: " is fix an...
[6 replies] Last: indeed LowestOne, it seems I was using the wrong length and that's why... (by aramosvizcarra)
by nrk619
displaying a pyramid
please help urgent the thing is it should be displayed this way please help with a little description please......... enter number of linnes:7 ...
[1 reply] : A few problems with your code: 1) The correct header is #include <... (by AbstractionAnon)
arrays vs vectors
I have just recently learned arrays. After arrays i learned about vectors , they seem so similar. Should i use vectors or arrays?
[5 replies] Last: Use std::string instead of char . Use std::vector instead of pre... (by Catfish3)
random number generator
Can someone help me with my c++ homework:Make a c++ code that prints 1 random number from 5 to 20. I tried stuff like: #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream>...
[6 replies] Last: Cool but now I have a new problem: I shouldn't use std:: I deleted s... (by closed account LAM21hU5)
Allright guys. All of us have or will be going through this console program sooner or later. And now it's my turn. A book told me I could create a game board f...
[no replies]
difference between classes and encapsulation...
difference between classes and encapsulation? i searched on internet and find no difference...please help...
[4 replies] Last: Encapsulation is a concept where you have a complex object which manag... (by Disch)
array of linked lists
hi! is it possible to have an example of an array of linked lists?
[8 replies] Last: I replace the input of size with "define size" and now the compiler st... (by antrbrv)
Convert VS2010 to C::B project
I'm having trouble defining include directoroes for C::B after transferring everything from a VS2010 project. My directory structure looks like this: bin doc ...
[9 replies] Last: OMFG sigh... solved (by Stewbond)
Darts game - i have no idea were to begin
To begin with, we were given the challenge of coding a darts game this is a part of the assignment - does anyone have any suggestion, i am completly baffled a...
[no replies]
Changing while passing
Okay, I'm getting the hang of passing variables. Variables that are in int main could be passed into different functions for one reason or another using argumen...
[3 replies] Last: Variable names are relative to the function that's using them. You mos... (by Thumper)
by Dreyth
Got a working addition algorithm, but must tweak it... help?
Hi everybody! Long story short: 1) Have assignment. 2) Need to make program to add numbers up to 40 digits long. 3) Made a class called HugeInteger, where numb...
[1 reply] : This hugeInteger(int arr , int b): size(b) // copy constructor is no... (by naraku9333)
Scrabble letter search! ideas
So i want to make a program where i put in x amount of letters and it print out all of the possibilities. I'm sure that it is possible somehow but i am a beginn...
[3 replies] Last: The algorithm itself is very straightforward. What is 'a little bit o... (by JLBorges)
What am I doing wrong?
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int calcStayCharges(int days, 350) { return 350 * days; } int calcMiscCharges(int medical, int surgical, in...
[4 replies] Last: Oh! I over looked where you took it out of the first line. Thank you s... (by H3avenlySoul)
February 2013 Pages: 1... 3132333435... 67
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