Beginners - February 2013 (Page 30)

by kohlh
sorting files
can anyone help me with sorting files in a folder. that is I want to pass a folder to a function that will sort the files by extension type.
[no replies]
Lost, non-functioning if statements in my first program
The program delivers all the values of the expression and the loop correctly. However the if statements do not work. What is wrong with my code and how can I fi...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much. That cleared it up. (by DanStirletz)
by mpack
Simon Game
I'm trying to work on arrays, for loops, etc. by building a Simon-style game. The basic idea is that a character (R,G,B,Y) will show up and then disappear, lea...
[1 reply] : Gaze in awe at this wonderful program main.cpp: #include <cstdio> ... (by greenleaf800073)
Outputting with spaces vs line by line
I have written code that counts down from 10 to 1 and displays like this using a loop: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 How do I get it to output like this: ...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> int main() { const int MAX = 10 ; for( ... (by JLBorges)
HELP- Beginner Atm program
I can't get the error messages solved. I followed my pseudocode but can't get rid of the errors can someone help me?? TestMenu.cpp #include "MenuBuilder.h" i...
[13 replies] Last: No worries (by jim80y)
Passing an array from class to function
I want the int game array to get values from my function int print(); , but get the error "invalid types 'int ' for array subscript". The class: clas...
[9 replies] Last: And that's the way the cookie crumbles! Thank you all. Now it finally... (by Hashimatsu)
by Shohag
Creating Int variable from char array
Hi, I have a problem. I want to create an integer variable from char array. Suppose you have an char array char a ="Hello World". now i will give you a positi...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks for answering my question..... I was just curious to do that . ... (by Shohag)
by darryl
poker hands
hi guys..can you help me to my new project,,i need to make program for poke r but i dont know how to start it..if you dont mind can you help me..if you have a s...
[no replies]
Sum from a text file
Hello there, I have an assignment for my computer science class which asks me to do this: Write a main( ) routine in which the program open a data file wi...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you so much for your code, it's working perfectly as I want it b... (by saidalbahri)
Catching appropriate exceptions (reading/writing to a file)
Hello, I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could help me clarify how to tackle "catching appropriate exceptions". I have two functions that currently store ...
[2 replies] Last: Yeah you're right, I haven't implemented any exceptions at the moment.... (by Jerseppi)
How does this work?
// Blackjack.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> ...
[12 replies] Last: c++ for dummies isn't as easy as it sounds but it is ideal, the learni... (by devonrevenge)
forumla problem
so this is what i have so far and am wondering if it is correct. The problem asks if you have a class the size of 18 people and you want to divide the class in...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you (by marshall9779)
Trouble with inheritance and function
Hi, I encountered little problem while programing. I've made it little simpler and have such code: void might::use(mastermind &game, chosenOne &hero, might ...
[no replies]
error C2181: illegal else without matching if
My assignment is to write a simple calculator. I keep getting Error 1 error C2181: illegal else without matching if c:\users\sx\dropbox\c++ intro folder\calc...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks Peter and Greenleaf; I am going to check that out. Things have... (by instruisto)
Very Basic Temp Convert Program Would Appreciate Some Eyes
First of all, I have only been programming for a couple of weeks for a college class. I thank you in advance for any insight. My problem is when I conver...
[8 replies] Last: SUCCESS! Thank you for the insight Chervil. After adding .0 to each i... (by mizztrixi333)
by hvigil
How to dynamically resize an array when it runs out of space?
Does anybody have an idea on how to do this. I think you have to create a new array bigger than the original one , and copy all the information stored in the ol...
[3 replies] Last: Well yeah then, you answered yourself. You create a bigger array, cop... (by S G H)
Member Function Thingy
class: class CApp { private: bool Running; SDL_Surface* Surf_Display; public: CApp(); int OnEx...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the help. (by Retrokin)
by Alex91
keep getting fatal error LNK 1104
I'm not sure what I've done wrong, but my program won't run. It doesn't seem to be a problem with the syntax. #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #in...
[3 replies] Last: Compiles fine for me with VS2010. Some notes on your code: 1) Yo... (by AbstractionAnon)
by John27
How to install newmat11 in Visual C++ 2010?
[no replies]
by cramey
How to write and then read from file
Hi All I have data like this that should be stored in a file W 200 I 300 D 200 D 300 How do i store them in a file and be able to read them ...
[6 replies] Last: trans is an input stream. It behaves in very much the same way as th... (by Chervil)
February 2013 Pages: 1... 2829303132... 67
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