Beginners - February 2013 (Page 15)

first post
hey guys, so i recently started taking c++ for school(6 weeks in class) and we were assigned a new project. i have 99% of it done, just keep getting stuck at th...
[2 replies] Last: ahhh ok, so i changed my if statement to the following: if (popChange... (by XxEnigmaticxX)
Reading in numbers from file with loop
I have a school assignment that's as the following. Input: Use the following data, which can be found in the P4Boxes.txt file. Each row of data includes ...
[1 reply] : You could open and close the output file in function main() and pass i... (by Chervil)
nhandled exception at 0x779415de...
Hello, I have a code where i am trying to find the second largest number in a 2d array however when i debug it, it freezes and says," Unhandled exception ...
[1 reply] : You probably should pass a instead of 0 as the first argument to Secon... (by Peter87)
need help in the string vector
#include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; int main(int arg, char*args ) { istream&getline(istream&is,string str,char delimiter); vector<...
[5 replies] Last: thanks guys. I will improve this field. (by DANNY123)
Make bit of code only run if the program has admin rights?
Okay, so I was wondering if there was a way to run code only if the program is running with admin rights. Any help please? I want it to run code somewhat lik...
[2 replies] Last: Windows. This is for a windows 8 trial refresh/kms activation tool. (by Gameboy24)
When I use cygwin I keep getting -bash: g++: command not found
I my saved notepad folder into my cygwin home folder (so when I started cygwin terminal it would be already at the file), when I used the command ls (list) it ...
[2 replies] Last: cygwin doesnt have g++ by default (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)
by Kubani
unmatching in default constructor of Year
Hello all, This code is from Programming Principles and Practice using C++ by stroustrup: #include "C:\Users\CS\Desktop\Documents\std_lib_facilities....
[13 replies] Last: thank you dear AbstractionAnon for your explanation. The case was abou... (by Kubani)
problem with break statemnt and function called from an other function
The program not beaking when the user not entered the correct user name or correct password. so for the break; statement i have put them in while loop. the brea...
[1 reply] : Consider the following snippet of your code: if (passwrd==pWo... (by AbstractionAnon)
I want to create a "dictionary" but I need some help
I'am very new to learning C++ but I like it, basically I'm trying to create a simple code where if I write for example the word Cheese it will translate it in m...
[4 replies] Last: @Lynx876 - Good catch. I missed that. Thanks. (by AbstractionAnon)
Matrix multiplication operator
I'm writing a program just to show that I can use operators in matrices. I've done it for addition and subtraction but I'm struggling to apply operator * to mul...
[2 replies] Last: The error that toum pointed out is a good reason to use names someth... (by TheIdeasMan)
Beginner Tic Tac Toe Efficiency
I started learning C++ two days ago by watching beginner video tutorials on YouTube. Since the best way to learn in programming is to just practice, I decided t...
[2 replies] Last: Ok, thank you very much! I will definitely be changing this up and usi... (by RyanHecht)
How to determine primes in part of a program
Hey, so far i have compiled most of the program i need, but I'm stuck with how to determine whether some part of an input is prime. THis is what I have so far ...
[17 replies] Last: @smac89 - The original requirement was that the password was 5 to 8 di... (by AbstractionAnon)
by Nonlin
How do I retain function value?
I have to pass parameters into my function so that it can be called right? But since I have a while loop, even after assigning a value to balance, my function c...
[6 replies] Last: Oh wow, thanks. So simple... It bothers me how simple this fixes are. ... (by Nonlin)
Hi, I am a beginner of c++ as you see this post in beginner section :). Iam having troubles with running small programs created as practice. In this program, I ...
[4 replies] Last: It doesn't matter what compiler you're using, at least not for 1998 co... (by Cubbi)
by fx11
How are objects passed to functions, and what is passed?
Friendship and inheritance Friend functions: // friend functions #include <iostream> using namesp...
[2 replies] Last: // friend functions #include <iostream> using namespace std; class... (by fx11)
C++ File I/O, find specific data on a file and print to screen.
So here is what I am trying to do. Our assignment is to create a simple phone number directory. The program needs to request a first and last name from the use...
[no replies]
error c2664 'memcpy' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'int' to 'void *'
Hi little new to c++, hope I am in the right section. I researched the error code and its obviously to do with my data types, but because I am using enums I ...
[8 replies] Last: Thank you i understand it now, Ii read over that page a few times just... (by nukem266)
by krutuk
Problem with loop
Hello, I did this function in main() and it works. Yet now I want to do it through the functions and I have a problem and don't know what to do. After execution...
[4 replies] Last: there is confusion in your pointer assignments as I said earlier. You ... (by abhishekm71)
two dimensional arrays function call
*edit* I see the indentation is weird, hope you can make out what the code does. Hi! I'm new at programming so I thought I'd pop by for some questions regardi...
[3 replies] Last: In function main() these two lines simply declare the functions (tha... (by Chervil)
what does mean *s,*a,*m,*k..... symbol
[1 reply] : Well, when you put the asterisk in front of a variable that's being de... (by RobertEagle)
February 2013 Pages: 1... 1314151617... 67
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