Beginners - February 2013 (Page 14)

NEED HELP IN assignment?
[3 replies] Last: 1. All the forces are given by the user interactively. Means that ... (by TheIdeasMan)
by Ratzer
array of highscore
So I am making an array of 10 high scores. For now all I want to happen is the user gives input and then it will place the scores from biggest to smallest and d...
[5 replies] Last: Ok so you must use a array then. What part are you having trouble with... (by closed account 3qX21hU5)
what is constant?
[2 replies] Last: vaireabel value can not be changed. (by prem waghmode)
New to C++ and have a problem with an assignment Please Help!
I am horrible at C++ (only in my second week of IT 218) and have to write a simple temperature conversion console program. I am trying to convert Celsius to bot...
[3 replies] Last: ok will try that, thank you! and sorry for not using the tags. (by x7slim8x)
8. Explain with example seed fill & edge fill algorithm?
Explain with example seed fill & edge fill algorithm?
[1 reply] : ques is out of is part of computer graphics (by rupali ubale)
line drawing algorithm
Explain DDA line drawing algorithm in detail.Can line segment represented by points P1(6,10) & P2(20,30) be drawn using DDA algorithm? Explain?
[1 reply] : However, this algorithm does not lead to integer arithmetic. Scaling b... (by udaychikane)
by fluffy
Compileing ERROR
Does any one know why this is not compiling? #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <ctime> using namespace std; int main() { int withinXp...
[4 replies] Last: system("pause") //on windows only int c = getchar() cin.get(); cin>... (by SAMATA)
3. With the help of explain raster scan display technique?
With the help of explain raster scan display technique?
[no replies]
Please help!
Hello all, I'm very new to programming, and I am trying to just get through the first tutorial. The tutorial explains everything but where to put the code! I a...
[1 reply] : Alright ill see if i can explain it in steps... step 1:Click on 'File... (by Xerogravity)
Need to set a max value on an integer
So right now at the moment im working on a project for class, we are assigned to make a game of our choice and i took this as an opportunity to really get creat...
[no replies]
by Zu007
pointer memory location
int main() { int a=10,b=5,*c,*d,**f; c=&a; d=&b; f=&d; printf("Address of a=%u\n",&a); printf("Address of b=%u\n",&b); printf("Address of...
[1 reply] : *c++ doesn't mean "increase the address stored in the pointer". It m... (by Cubbi)
Calling sh*t
Why won't double scan(double); call? Thanks for the help. #include <stdio.h> /*Function Prototypes*/ void directions(void); //Prints directions to user ...
[6 replies] Last: Fixed it, I understood what you were saying. Thank you Disch. (by closed account 18hRX9L8)
by kohlh
Reading a directory tree
I would like very much to hear form some of the gurus on this forum solve this problem: How to read fullpath names of files in a particualer directory into a v...
[no replies]
2D array of strings, "endl" problem, .txt file output
I am trying to output a two dimensional array of strings to a text file to be read next time the program starts. Some of the strings are more than one word (li...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the feedback, I think I will try to rewrite the code using ... (by tinker487)
Program grade without using nested ifs
Hi, I am trying to write a program that assigns a number grade (0-100) to a corresponding letter grade. The challenge is that I cannot use nested ifs , else if ...
[8 replies] Last: Unfortunately, my professor will not allow switch or nested ifs. It w... (by Disch)
Would it more or less efficient to call the accessor function than reference the data directly when calling other functions
This is more of a curiosity to me than an actual problem. Assume that there is a class example which is defined as such. class example { public: ...
[6 replies] Last: @ne555 & AbstractionAnon Thanks for the info about const. > If a ... (by TheIdeasMan)
Help with text file
#include <iostream> #include<string> #include<fstream> using namespace std; int createAccount(string customerName, int checkingBalance, int savingsBalanc...
[4 replies] Last: I thought that would work, but unfortunately it did not. Thank you fo... (by servvice)
Keeping track of the gap between two numbers that were input
Using simple while loops/if statements (i'm new) how do i ask the user for multiple inputs and then calculate the difference between those inputs? - The inputs...
[no replies]
by Qazone
3 dimensional array with all possible combinations of the 3 numbers
I have been working on this for a long time. As soon as I think I have all the possible combinations, I think of a few more. There has to be an easier way to ...
[no replies]
Can somebody help me with this program? Grade calculator.
1) Write a c++ program to read a series of integers representing a series of grades from a file. Read the data using an end-of-file loop for the outer loop. ...
[no replies]
February 2013 Pages: 1... 1213141516... 67
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