Beginners - February 2013 (Page 13)

by M159LE
Still struggling - lines in a file
Hi! I still don't know how to get/read single characters and an amount separately. This is what I have in a file: 46780976 3750.40 W 250.00 D 1200.00 W ...
[9 replies] Last: Hi, I am also working on this same question and am attempting to use... (by Rascal)
by Sandz
Check my code for me please
Hi, please take a look at my program. I am supposed to create a Auction program, but I'm not very familiar with Arguments and I'm having error running my progra...
[6 replies] Last: At line 6: if (toupper(sen) == 'E') exit (0); Th... (by AbstractionAnon)
by yhu420
error: case label not within a switch statement
Hello everyone, I just have an error in my switch. I checked online for an answer, but I didn't find one :(. Here is the code: int choixOperation(0); c...
[4 replies] Last: How stupid I am! How could I forget them! Thank you anyway ;) (by yhu420)
by poojab
what is token
[3 replies] Last: token is individual units in program. keywords,constants,strings,oper... (by sandhyamohite)
by Renov
Find Prime Number
int main() { int n; cout << "Enter the value of n: "; cin >> n; bool* prime = new bool [n+1]; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { prime = true; for (int...
[6 replies] Last: Thank vlad, I finish it Thank you so much~~ (by Renov)
header file
what is structure of header file <stdio.h>?
[2 replies] Last: structure? as in how the code is laid out or an actual c struct? (by Script Coder)
Template Syntax troubles
So, I wrote a class that dynamically creates Arrays. Now I'm supposed to turn it into a template, so that it deals with not just int arrays, but also char an...
[2 replies] Last: Ahh, thank you very much. I implemented the changes you showed me, an... (by INeedAHero)
what is main contents of class?what can be define in the class>
[1 reply] : This site has an excellant tutorial on classes. Try it. http://www.c... (by AbstractionAnon)
by Sandz
Return a string function
Hi, I need help to understand more about a function which uses a string. eg. string getprice(double& double) where the 2 arguments are initial price and numbe...
[3 replies] Last: > How do I return a string to the function? How do I return a string ... (by JLBorges)
by Gunnir
Very simple modification of Methods
{Apologies for any incorrect language and syntax when describing this, i'm a complete novice at c++!} I want to modify a method which i've defined as a vector, ...
[5 replies] Last: ahhhhhh of course i'm not, its a void function, thanks! (by Gunnir)
what does it mean "flushing the stream"
i read in some book this "Note that \n is not quite the same as endl. endl will output a newline and flush the stream, while \n will output the newline without...
[2 replies] Last: thank Framework that explained it. (by hitmanben2)
by Sandz
Expected a declaration error
Sample of my code. What's wrong with my program? Where is the error? Please help. Thank you. void Acct (); { for (int i=0; i<50;i++) { if(Table .cheque ...
[15 replies] Last: Thank you so much Chervil. :) (by Sandz)
getting red line under sqrt and atan in c++ 2010 f_mag= sqrt((fx)^2)+((fy)^2); theta=atan((fx)/(fy));
[4 replies] Last: This topic continues from this one: (by TheIdeasMan)
wrong output?!
so i have almost a complete program solved how to check if so that it wont say AB = ABC because of the null terminator but after trying to change the char to AB...
[1 reply] : int myStrCmp(const char text , const char abc ) { int x = 0; ... (by toum)
vexing with vectors!
hi there, been on this for hours now and i just can't seem to populate my vector with pointers to another class object. can anyone see where i am going wrong pl...
[1 reply] : mTeam.push_back(&thisPlayer); (by toum)
Code Help
for(i = 0; i <= 5; ++i) { for(j = i + 1; j <= 6; j++) { int temp; if(numb > numb ) { temp = numb ; numb = numb ; numb ...
[4 replies] Last: There are 7 elements in the array, therefore the index of the last one... (by toum)
Elegantly iterating multiple arguments into an array
void fillSomeArray(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { *((*array) + i) = //insert something here } }...
[1 reply] : I would go with variable argument lists. Plus, you may want to include... (by TheGrayWolf)
computer graphics
[1 reply] : What don't you understand? (by Script Coder)
Can line clipping algorithm be used for polygon clipping
Can line clipping algorithm be used for polygon clipping
[no replies]
10. Can line clipping algorithm be used for polygon clipping?
Can line clipping algorithm be used for polygon clipping?
[1 reply] : yas.............. (by prem waghmode)
February 2013 Pages: 1... 1112131415... 67
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