by dahnkim94
Stream Manipulators
[1 reply] : You will not need an if-else, and you could also do it without a loop.... (by binarybob350)
by rlawry97
Math errors. Loops problem solved.
[2 replies] Last: One thing your missing for sure is {} around your if. if(choic... (by binarybob350)
by dahnkim94
[1 reply] : Your close. If you read about setw (by binarybob350)
by fluffy
Sentinel Assistance
[4 replies] Last: Thank you for your input, it was greatly appreciated. (by fluffy)
by anonymousxyz
Multiple Files and Header Files
[no replies]
by Tired
''Undeclared Identifier''
[2 replies] Last: Ahh seems like that fixed my problem. Thanks a bunch! (by Tired)
Can't Define a String as another String backwards |
[4 replies] Last: That was just a guide, you'll need to use the appropriate functionalit... (by Chervil)
by bluebomber33
please help program not counting objects
[1 reply] : Please, use code tags. Copy-paste your code=select icon "<>" from the ... (by eraggo)
by user2013
My program isn't compiling
[1 reply] : In the following line you're trying to instantiate GradeOutput and cal... (by AbstractionAnon)
by ND04
Need Help With Odd & Even Integers STACK
[1 reply] : Let's Begin With Getting The Integers Into The Array. So, Instead Of ... (by TheGrayWolf)
please help. grade calculator. |
[no replies]
by xanthian23
Functions and classes
[4 replies] Last: Cool, thanks to both of you, that actually makes sense that I should b... (by xanthian23)
by Hajrathul
sum of odd numbers between 2 integers
[2 replies] Last: thanks a bunch! (by Hajrathul)
by vanessatse
Shift vector in x axis (Lorentz boost)
[4 replies] Last: Thank you for your help. I had to remove the "const" after "Vector4 Lo... (by vanessatse)
Program for prime number.. |
[11 replies] Last: If the program needs to be extended, I'd recommend making a separate f... (by Chervil)
by Ch1156
Need help understanding bitwise operators
[18 replies] Last: What you can do with these are very limitless (I believe) try finding ... (by Smac89)
by aesguitar
Problem with Sieving program
[11 replies] Last: There is an array class in c++ that can do the same thing. (by Smac89)
by bumski
New line added in loop
[no replies]
by Gregzksi
Not declared in this scope error, anyone can help?
[9 replies] Last: Thanks, that helped! I dind't use and because I thought it checks && b... (by Gregzksi)
by M159LE
Reading lines from a file!
[5 replies] Last: @Rascal - you may find it useful to look at this related thread: http:... (by Chervil)