Beginners - February 2011 (Page 24)

Decimal point precision, "Headings", and "Parameters"
(1) I'm wondering how to set the decimal point precision for individual variables. In the program I wrote, I set everything to two-decimal point precision. I wa...
[1 reply] : The heading, I'm assuming would be the function definition, which woul... (by Roastern)
Having trouble with parse errors
Here's the code I have written. I keep getting parse errors and since I've started programming only a couple weeks ago I really don't quite understand what the ...
[5 replies] Last: dude, I appreciate it. I had no idea why it wasn't working. (by naudin23)
ok i want to know if there is a way to display text (like a players health) the entire time while the rest of the screen changes.
[8 replies] Last: It might not be a good learning experience, but there are still people... (by packetpirate)
by ne555
convert constructor to function pointer
Motivation: provide a specialized container, that could only be used with the derived types of some class. So a colony contains microorganisms of the same spec...
[4 replies] Last: The only template you could specialize here would be Colony -- and th... (by ne555)
ok i am working on a code and i want the player to start at a certain part of the code when he dies instead of having to restart the whole thing. any help is gr...
[4 replies] Last: updated my code and i still need help......... #include <iostream>... (by cainen172)
Do While loop Minimum Value
I have worked on this code for a while and I can get the maximum value to work,but not the minimum value. Any help would be greatly appreciated. #include <...
[1 reply] : [co de] "Please use code tags" [/co de] int i=0; do{ //... ... (by ne555)
by moe
a problem in Matrices
Write a complete C++ program that declares a character matrix of size (7×30). After that create and call the following functions: 1. a function that receiv...
[3 replies] Last: drummin2somebeats : thank you but i tried to figure it out on paper ... (by moe)
Making new lines
Hi, I'm having a problem where, when I give the console a string with spaces, it makes new lines for each word. Here is the code: #include "StdAfx.h" #in...
[3 replies] Last: As firedraco said. You get the trailing '\n' added on your string w... (by markXD07)
looking for char in string
i have to look for all the char possible in string and get those char position but can't seem to figure out how look for all char. i tried using str.find but it...
[9 replies] Last: yup like that but the other way around lol. but i got it thanks (by babudesai)
I try to find the shortest and the longest word from a sentence that i read from a file. I just need some idea how to do this. Please do not put any code just...
[12 replies] Last: It is not ok #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <st... (by eduard77)
structs and classes
Are structs as powerful as classes in c++? Or could it be that they use less memory but with removed functions?
[9 replies] Last: It is worth saying that a LONG LONG time ago (not even in a galaxy far... (by jsmith)
Hi there, I'm having a problem with the Beep() command. When I run the program below, no sounds comes out :( #include<iostream> #include<windows.h> us...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks for the help guys, and I've installed Visual C++ but unfortunat... (by The Mexican)
why a syntax error
class Birthdate { // the nested class private: int month; int day; int year; public: Birthdate(int m=0, int d=0, int y=0) {setData(m,d,y); cout ...
[1 reply] : Person does not have a default constructor. (by Zhuge)
by ata88
Data Structures
How can I better understand the data structures ? Could you give me some advices?
[1 reply] : Which Data Structure? If you mean struct then IMO don't bother, Clas... (by Computergeek01)
about constructor
let's say class person has a default constructor that set things to zero. so if i say person keith; then defuallty keith will be sth like (0,0,0,0) my...
[2 replies] Last: You get an "undefined reference" error, the same as you would if you d... (by Computergeek01)
by gaviel
Good Day .. I'm new to the forum .. New to C++ either .. I'm having a problem regarding the while loop .. I've been trying to make an ATM system .. But I ca...
[5 replies] Last: aha, thx, i didnt see that one, hehe every day u learn something new... (by M364M4Ncro)
Removing last characters from a file
Hey im after writting a simple keylogger but i cant figure out how to make it that when someone presses backspace it delets the last characters in a text file(w...
[2 replies] Last: I'm not going to help you a lot with this because of the dubious natu... (by king214)
what is ++ difference
what is the differnce between c = ++a and c = a++? the book said c = ++a means u increment a then put c c = a++ means u put c first then increment. B...
[7 replies] Last: Even though I posted a full explanation right after he posted his? (by packetpirate)
I try to write a simple program that writes something in a file like I saw in the input/output tutorial from your site. Everything is compiling nicely but happ...
[4 replies] Last: Yes is there. I've found it. Thank you. (by eduard77)
design problem? callbacks to class vs global functions?
So I'm trying to make a basic button class, and be able to provide it with a function to call upon click. I started looking up stuff about function pointers and...
[6 replies] Last: Here's an example (warning: not compiled): #include <iostream> ... (by jsmith)
February 2011 Pages: 1... 2223242526... 43
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