Beginners - February 2010 (Page 32)

My C++ editor is not running programmes of C++
What is this
[4 replies] Last: what? you're still using turbo c++.. it's very old.. download codeb... (by blackcoder41)
im just trying to draw a 2D square but its not working and i dont know y nothing coming up on the screen main.cpp #include "sdl.h" #include "GL_Functio...
[1 reply] : First thing that comes to mind is that you have texures enabled, but n... (by Disch)
method calling within separate class
I am trying to call the public function of one class within a method of another to assign several different names to an array However, it says the = operator is...
[1 reply] : SetName() returns nothing. Don't you mean GetName()? (by webJose)
by jmt627
C++ pointers within a struct
I have a problem. I have a struct, "Figure", and one of its members, "vertices" is a pointer to another struct, "Point". I have created an array of pointers t...
[19 replies] Last: yeah if its a thousands seperator i can see how that would cause me so... (by jmt627)
by GCheek
Feet and Inches to Inches
I just started college and I have a c++ homework assignment that finds the volume of a box in cubic inches. Example input and output: Enter the height in fe...
[14 replies] Last: ok her is what I finally ended up with and this is just the function o... (by GCheek)
C++ if statement problems
Hey, I'm working on a program which will allow the user to log in... If the user types in the correct password, he will be logged in; If it's a wrong password,...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks, it worked :) (by zeltrax5)
matrix Rotation
hi i need to make a 3x3 matrix and then have a Rotation by vector * matrix and matrix * vector operators should just rotate and scale the vector passed i...
[2 replies] Last: thx so much (by deorcar)
Initializing the contents of an aray to those of another
Basically, in the constructor, I want to pass through the characters of one array into those of another. I'm obviously not doing it properly since I get this er...
[9 replies] Last: Your function returns a pointer, not an array of pointers. This wou... (by Disch)
February 2010 Pages: 1... 303132
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