by Regine
[2 replies] Last: Incubbus+1 (by tummychow)
C++, Logic Structure (1,2) |
[21 replies] Last: Yeah, that's what I've noticed. It's weird, but I'll check it out toni... (by chrisname)
by deorcar
how would i make a box that follow's in opengl/sdl
[no replies]
A type..with a number in brackets... (1,2) |
[34 replies] Last: You have extra ';' at the end of your lines that you don't want (excep... (by firedraco)
by MrGurns
do-while loops with multiple conditions
[6 replies] Last: I personally find constructs like the following to be more useful to t... (by Duthomhas)
by DoomCarnage
Swapping pointers
[6 replies] Last: Okay thanks. This solve my problem. (by DoomCarnage)
by cartpauj
question about using "this"
[2 replies] Last: THANKS A MILLION! (by cartpauj)
by Aaron09
unix pico editor
[3 replies] Last: Zhuge - yes i am using Putty to access a UNIX server. PanGalactic -... (by Aaron09)
MS Visual C++ V6.0 (1,2) |
[31 replies] Last: Okay! (by Mazd)
by LamontSharp
print derived class objects
[1 reply] : Uh, nobody's going to give you that data. You've already overloaded t... (by tummychow)
by lparras
Segmentation fault in Copy creator
[1 reply] : Does the copy constructor by any chance call operator=()? (by helios)
by scigeek
problem with insert and push_back command for vector
[3 replies] Last: I'm guessing that nbr[j+lidx ] is accessing out of bounds somewhere, ... (by firedraco)
by sparky
Man-hours Using COCOMO2
[1 reply] : How does this relate to writing C++? (by helios)
by tarheelfan08
Classes and Arrays
[16 replies] Last: what? nvm.... (by brokenbot)
by nullGrind
Loading sprites into vectors
[5 replies] Last: ooooops found my mistake. i loaded the wrong image into the sprite. ... (by nullGrind)
by Puckosmucko
error: Morse-code
[3 replies] Last: Line 21: string Inmatning, kodtillmorse, textout; kodtillmorse is... (by closed account jLNv0pDG)
by windgrey
OOP bubble sort
[9 replies] Last: OH great. It works. thank a lot! i made a really silly mistake. h... (by windgrey)
by agskanchana
array of struct, searching for a certain char value
[1 reply] : for(int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_VEHICLES; i++){ if(strcmp(data .veh... (by hamsterman)
by white ranger
"Guess the number" game...
[6 replies] Last: Plus, rand() % 10 wil give you a number from 0 to 9. rand() % 11 ... (by twiss)
by garob
std::string not working in anonymous union
[2 replies] Last: Unlike C, C++ doesn't allow non-basic types in unions. C doesn't ha... (by Bazzy)