Beginners - February 2010 (Page 30)

by srgtr
program to calculate percentage of growth
I am new to programming, I really want to learn C++. My teacher gave us this assignment and I am so lost. Can someone please help me with this. I not only want ...
[2 replies] Last: /** * @file Assignment2.cpp * @description ... (by srgtr)
modifying variables via functions
Hello. I've been learning C++ as a hobby for a few months now on and off, and my current project is making a "sorter" program, designed for users to input numb...
[4 replies] Last: Forcing to bump it so i don't post a new topic. if there is no answer... (by iamhttp)
by LeRoy
Question about local links
Hello I think you may be able to answer a burning question that I have, I have just learned about file systems in a basic way and it left me wondering how a loc...
[no replies]
The "->" Symbol? (1,2)
I have just been put into my university game programming class (not voluntarily) and in that class C++ with the openGL API is used and as i have used neither of...
[22 replies] Last: yea, sorry I got carried away, then had to defend my nubish honor. Jus... (by gcampton)
Require programmers assistance
Hi all! I'm new to programming and there are a few questions I'm stuck on that i'm not sure the answers to. 1) Can we concatenate endl with a string in an e...
[8 replies] Last: Thank you very much for your help! It definitely guided me in the righ... (by MicMagicFly)
question about creating a five mod sum
So I need some help figuring out how to do this, this was the prompt given: Write a program that accepts an input integer n, and calculates the number and su...
[1 reply] : Perhaps a for loop would work better than while, at least just for und... (by kevinkjt2000)
by chee
Calling functions to main
I'm trying to understand how calling functions to the main works. For example int fun1(int num1); int fun2(int *p); int fun3(int &num2); I know how to c...
[3 replies] Last: With that function, just do doit(p2); The other two functions can... (by Zhuge)
Casting Operands
Using the book Ivor Horton's Beginning Visual C++ 2008. Chapter 2, pages 76-77 - Rules for Casting Operands Using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Pro I unders...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for your reply. Yes I agree the math is fine and I should use m... (by yorkcoparamedic)
string as object name
Hi I have a function that takes an object as parameter. I want the user to be able to input what object to pass to the function. I was thinking it would be ea...
[3 replies] Last: with std::map, would you do this: map<int,T> map; map =zero; .... (by Azuriin)
For Loop Just Won't Work
Hi, I'm azüriin My problem is I want to use a nested for loop and it seems that it won't run no matter what I do. My program is, admittedly, a homewo...
[7 replies] Last: It tells the operating system, not the compiler, that the program fini... (by helios)
by weasle
Sorting & Comparing issues
I have a program that ask a user to input numbers and then a terminal value when finished. It calculates the sum of the numbers as well as count the positive, n...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the help. After looking at your suggestions and advice from... (by weasle)
where is the mistake???
I made a small program and i don`t know why i got a runtime error.The compiler doesn`t find anything wrong.Here is the code: //chapter 4 ,ex 6 -the program ...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks for pointing my mistake - i always forgot the vector starts fro... (by hunter86bg)
dvd-rom open-close
Hy I'm new here. Can anyone help me wit a c++ code to open-close dvd-rom drive? if posibile une function to oppen and other to close. Thanks
[14 replies] Last: I think he's talking about the win32 API. Correct. I assumed tummyc... (by R0mai)
Trying to return a code
I am trying to figure out why I end up with this error when compiling a code. It says that the 'publisher' is undeclared. I edited out one part of the code bec...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! I can't believe it was that simple. Thanks again (by chasescoot066)
by michy
system call
hi, im trying to do some system call in unix OS. Example if i wan to do system("ls -all"): #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string> usin...
[4 replies] Last: omg? then i have a question on doing this. actually, im trying to cre... (by michy)
by j3tt
simple arithmetic operator program
// Jett Bailes // 02/ 02/ 2010 // ArithmeticChoice.cpp : main project file. // Enter an arithmetic operator to calculate two variables #include "stdafx...
[2 replies] Last: Oh i didn't know you could list multiple cases like that, thankis (by j3tt)
by svexo
C++ Calculator
Hi Everyone this is my Calculator it work almost fine now but first i forgtten return 0 ; en everytime i putted in a letter instead of a number it started ...
[9 replies] Last: Yes,, and its working ,, tnx :) did you try my code to stop the lo... (by svexo)
Array problem
Hello Guys, Here is the situation, I found a very fast code which generates combinations of a given size and range in the following link:
[13 replies] Last: Yes, in fact I have both versions installed here, but the 2010 version... (by equinoX)
by aymen
encryption/decryption implementation
Hi all I'm looking for an encryption/decryption implementation, did'nt find any source for rsa. I found a complete source sor SHA1 which works but I think tha...
[2 replies] Last: The encyption source on this website isn't too bad either. It's pretty... (by gcampton)
by j3tt
calculation problem using struct with fractions
I'm not getting the correct calculation for the floating point conversion of each of the fractions. I don't know what i'm doing wwrong. // Case Project 1....
[14 replies] Last: wow. i can't believe i overlooked that. Now i understand that with pro... (by j3tt)
February 2010 Pages: 1... 2829303132
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