Beginners - February 2010 (Page 25)

Translate pseudocode
I am a beginner and I'm looking to translate this pseudocode into a valid C++ code. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, Angel. set vali...
[17 replies] Last: I like this forum because I learn alot more than whats in the book, I'... (by abilify)
Redeclaration a member function
Hi there! I'd like to know why I can't redeclare a member function ( ). For example, this...
[2 replies] Last: Because it doesn't make any sense. Redeclaring would unnecessary du... (by Disch)
Question About Functions.
Hi, I'm only in my second term of college and still grasping everything about C++ programming. This week in week 5 of my term we have this assignment. Functi...
[3 replies] Last: Alright I've changed the code for A what do you think about this funct... (by Rivendal)
by Jesuss
I got a problem with this simple program
So I just started learning C++, and am already stuck on my first simple program I have been assigned in my class The program is a simple program that reads an ...
[6 replies] Last: i think your 'if' should be like this : char ch; //just to declar... (by nosxlimit)
division and modulus
I am new to programming in C++ and I welcome challenges. I am writing a program that you input the number of items you are trying to ship and it divides the shi...
[5 replies] Last: I found it thanks I didn't close off one of my lines (by airwulf)
VS2008 - main.obj : error LNK2019
Hi, I am new to the forum and fairly new to C++. I am creating a basic web testing tool that sends HTTP requests, comparing results sent at different time...
[5 replies] Last: OK cheers, I wasn't sure where to put it but that makes sense... thank... (by thomascrabs)
C++ Pointers, is this correct understanding. A a container of data. It's hard to explain but I really understand all aspects of a variable. Not only from C++ but from...
[14 replies] Last: Thanks for the help, I appreciate it. It's making a lot more sense. T... (by businessman332211)
selection sorting
Hi, I was trying to do selection sort for the array data ={3,1,4,7,5}. But always '7' comes as the first element and the rest of it is sorted correctly. the pr...
[4 replies] Last: int selsort(int data , int n) { int temp,min_id=0,min=0,i; ... (by gcampton)
by neok
Templates, I got some problems with function calling
I was working a bit with this code: //This code tells us what happens in the scope of Stack #include <iostream> using namespace std ; #include "stack...
[7 replies] Last: never mind. I found the culprit of my problem. In my code I didn't set... (by neok)
by MWH
test3.cpp:6: error: expected primary-expression before ‘int’
#include<iostream> #include<cmath> using namespace std; int main() { double a,b,c; double x1,x2; a=2.0; b=5.0; c=3.0; x1=(-b+sqrt(b*b-4.0*a*c))...
[1 reply] : Works fine for me. What compiler are you using? If you're using V... (by closed account jLNv0pDG)
a puzzle maker I wrote
Sorry its in python, I have yet to make it in C++. But I made a puzzle maker like the newspapers, using ceasar cypher. I have to make the a-z circular so that i...
[5 replies] Last: If nothing else, at least Python code always looks nice. Although, you... (by closed account jLNv0pDG)
The classic casting a char to an int problem
Hi so I'm trying to cast/convert a char that I know will always be a number to an int. I'm given a vector of chars, something like charList[2, *, 5] and I pass ...
[2 replies] Last: You can also use the atoi function from the standard library to conv... (by magnificence7)
if the user enter int n ; cin >> n ; and then i want to put the value of number of n in a string this give me error string str = {n} ; ...
[2 replies] Last: (by blackcoder41)
Syntax question
I saw a class defined using the syntax below, can somebody explain the syntax which is bolded? class myClass{ private: bool var : 1; public:...
[6 replies] Last: Ah, yes that is the syntax for bit fields. Thanks. (by tonyg362)
Invalid Conversion from 'const char*' to 'int'
I'm having a problem with this. What I'm trying to do is set the variable word as the word 'bird'. Here's the code: #include <iostream> using namespace std;...
[4 replies] Last: abilify had it correct in his first post, you can't assign a string to... (by gcampton)
C++ newb program
need to change this from availcredit01.cpp to availseats01.cpp and make the necessary adjustments 1)ask user to enter the room size 2)get room size 3)ask use...
[1 reply] : Feel free to show the work you have done so far, what is it your havin... (by gcampton)
by Regine
Please give ideas on how to do this. PLEASE GIVE LOTS OF IDEAS :)
[1 reply] : err ... a 2 dimensional array, you should know how to do this ... (by DrChill)
Returning 0 on main
I have learned quite a bit in the last few months doing C++ but there are two things, now that I read them in an actual book I was curious..because it didn't ac...
[11 replies] Last: Thanks again, that was pretty helpful. I wasn't going to look back bec... (by businessman332211)
C++ type casting
I have been using PHP (and a few other languages) for close to 7 years. I have a pretty deep understanding of casting, and how it works in those languages...all...
[10 replies] Last: Perfect, thanks guys. That really put a lot of things into perspective... (by businessman332211)
Decoder show values as _ | | |_| this represent zero contain 6 dashes my code is to take a string like "01" and return 8 , 6 dahses from zero and 2 ...
[14 replies] Last: why do his homework for him? it was bad enuf he was begging.... (by gcampton)
February 2010 Pages: 1... 2324252627... 32
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