Beginners - February 2010 (Page 24)

by cppbeg
[17 replies] Last: I don't think the call to main_menu() is needed, as the function shoul... (by gcampton)
by cppbeg
commands in c++
[13 replies] Last: because he's still asking.... (by gcampton)
Function Call and "no match for operator>>"
Afternoon! I am trying desperately to wrap my head around function calling in C++. So I've written what I think is a very simple code: #include <iostream>...
[11 replies] Last: Okay, I think I have it worked out. I just have one more issue. I hav... (by okapishomapi)
ifstream going into fail state
I'm writing a program for an assignment. It is a stationary kiosk where the user can select designs of stationaries and when they are done ordering it prints an...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much. I figured it had to be something simple I was jus... (by dwinters)
*** stack smashing detected ***
Hi, i'm having some trouble with this program. Every time i run it i get the "stack smashing detected" message and it terminates. Any ideas ? Thanks. ...
[3 replies] Last: It worked ! Thanks a lot ! (by Tricota)
Runtime error.
So my professor says its a runtime error and I should play computer and go over it step by step. I know its something simple but I've spent far too much time go...
[2 replies] Last: Your program repeats continuously until the user selects to quit. But ... (by dwinters)
Hi, I am tring to use the the .seekg() to my pointer so that i can look at a previous character. i import a file (which is saved to the varible infile I ...
[3 replies] Last: seekg() doesn't return the character that's at the new position. You h... (by helios)
by XeonXT
Adding New Methods to Already-Declared Classes?
Hi, I would like to know if there is a way to extend the functionality of already-declared classes by adding methods outside of the class declaration? F...
[2 replies] Last: Everybody loves a happy ending. Well, thanks anyway. (by XeonXT)
Dynamic 2d array access violation?
Hi im trying to get some code to work and i keep getting First-chance exception at 0x00f32d34 in prog.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x...
[2 replies] Last: how the hell...i had that problem an hour ago, fixed it and it did not... (by LordSimpson)
initializing question?
I was just wondering is it better to initialize all your int, double, float variables before using them for example #include <iostream> using namespace ...
[10 replies] Last: There is going to be little difference between std::string foo; ... (by jsmith)
A problem
can any one make code for this ? You are given a string consisting of parentheses () and . A string of this type is said to be correct: (a) if it ...
[1 reply] : can any one make code for this ? no. About the problem: I sugges... (by hamsterman)
by svexo
2 Header file's
I want to include 2 header file's but: i get this error if i include them both d:\chat_client(for user\chat_client_server_demo\chat_client\release\chat_cli...
[2 replies] Last: Check the include path(s). Post the code if need help. (by moorecm)
Get IE Browser URL
Hi, Is there any way to return the current web address / URL from Internet Explorer? I have tried using 'IWebBrowser2::get_LocationURL' from msdn but I am ha...
[4 replies] Last: So I guess I can go one of two ways - an add on to IE or some sort of ... (by thomascrabs)
Dynamic arrays in functions?
Hey all, I am having a very strange problem with a program I am writing, and like most other people who post such things on this forum, I cannot figure out what...
[7 replies] Last: You say that this following version of the function works: int theFu... (by guestgulkan)
by chichi
Huge Integers (1,2)
Create a list of functions that uses a 64-element array of digits to store integers as large as 64 digits each (we will call these integers Huge Integers). ...
[23 replies] Last: Ok for starters the numbers need to be signed, which means they can be... (by gcampton)
Binary files - one general question
I understand a lot about files now. I understand text files, and binary files and I know the differences. However, knowing that...what is the point at all..o...
[3 replies] Last: Binary format is more compact, and easier to read. For example, when r... (by Abramus)
Making a table with range of values
I'm fairly new to programming, and i've run into a little wall haha. I need to make a table reporting maximum heat loss displaying height on the top, and radii ...
[16 replies] Last: thx alot for the error messages, as i never even thought about that, b... (by Zerocool2214)
by w0ot
C++ Integer and Calculation error
hi all, am having a bit of problem with my codes. Lst Question: My error is at the Employees numbers. By right i should have the out put of Employee 1, Empl...
[4 replies] Last: thanks disch for your help. manage to get it done. Was thinking whethe... (by w0ot)
by sumone
How to convert string to double??
Hi everyone. I am working on a program which can read and get data from a file. The file looks like this: 45.33 33.68 ...
[2 replies] Last: haha yeah I know!! But the point is I don't know how to correct it ..... (by sumone)
Basic Classes (please reply)
Hi. There's something about classes that i want to ask. How to access the private member in classes. As i know, the only way to access private members is to u...
[6 replies] Last: Why the HELL would you use a void**, not to mention a void***? That's ... (by chrisname)
February 2010 Pages: 1... 2223242526... 32
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