by cppbeg
[13 replies] Last: I don't even understand that sentence but I think you misinterpreted m... (by tummychow)
by enrui
Changing data in a class member.
[6 replies] Last: Works perfect, thanks for your help. (by enrui)
by Nikoru
Question: Involving Classes
[5 replies] Last: Usually your compiler needs to be able to find the header in a predefi... (by tummychow)
by xyzt
forward decl
[3 replies] Last: From a design perspective, however, super-classes should not know abou... (by PanGalactic)
by php13
understanding 2 functions.
[3 replies] Last: It looks like you have two things here: 1) a stream of bytes 2) ... (by Disch)
by Nikoru
C++ for games? (1,2)
[23 replies] Last: [quote=blackcoder41]anyway, i believe there are AI libraries to help y... (by Mythios)
by Tom1991
Midi chords and playing more than one midi note at once
[no replies]
by gcampton
psuedocode problems
[no replies]
by ZefQ
send pointer to function
[13 replies] Last: in which case it shows or acts as though the string is now 500mb long... (by ZefQ)
by foobarbaz
multiple initialization error
[2 replies] Last: thank you so much, I just got rid of line 5 and it worked. (by foobarbaz)
by cbbttt
bank application
[2 replies] Last: What I do to practice fstream capabilities is create both text files, ... (by yoked88)
by ssushchy
solving pi using series
[2 replies] Last: Oh thank you so much! I got it working now. (by ssushchy)
by jinjin12
how to make a vector function?
[4 replies] Last: i thought for a normal vector declaration the thing inside the parenth... (by jinjin12)
by Grashopper
Limit to Array Size?
[5 replies] Last: I don't know much about std::deque (this is my 2nd program in C++ ever... (by Grashopper)
by BradyT88
Default Constructor issue
[2 replies] Last: It did. Thanks!!!! (by BradyT88)
by dan0
Networking and the Boost Library
[1 reply] : (by Bazzy)
by imaginary
loss of precision in double multiplication
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the response! I didn't realise floating point arithmetic wa... (by imaginary)
by russeld
bring back random statements from vector?
[3 replies] Last: wow quick thanks guys! (by russeld)
by foobarbaz
function mousedown to document class
[2 replies] Last: I'm hard coding this stuff, I don't think I'm doing it right. (by foobarbaz)
by ssushchy
When I compile I just get In function `main': : undefined reference to
[2 replies] Last: oh wow i cannot believe i missed that. thank you! (by ssushchy)