by iamthefear
Copying contents of a file into a vector
[no replies]
by ksport99
Baseball player program
[2 replies] Last: there are some more modifications you'll have to make in order for thi... (by m4ster r0shi)
by Regine
[1 reply] : Step 1: Generate the grid. That is, fill an array with numbers and mak... (by hamsterman)
by xyriene
Program inproperly closing
[4 replies] Last: Alright I'm still not sure why it's doing this but I put in the checks... (by xyriene)
What is the point of a switch statement? |
[10 replies] Last: To switch on a string, I use map<string, functor>. It trades off some... (by PanGalactic)
by hax
Get Text from EDITTEXT
[2 replies] Last: That's becaise you are using the GetDlgItemText function incorrectly... (by guestgulkan)
by shazlin
Mirco visual c++
[1 reply] : Make sure to start a Console Application project. Make sure to #incl... (by Duthomhas)
by j3tt
confusion with For loops
[6 replies] Last: Nono, not system("PAUSE");. There is a large discussion about this her... (by closed account jwC5fSEw)
by indigo
fstream not working
[2 replies] Last: try this one: #include<fstream> #include<iostream> using names... (by m4ster r0shi)
by lshepar5
antirtfm videos
[2 replies] Last: youtube antirtfm c++ tutorials. (by p9h)
Problems with pointer functions |
[5 replies] Last: Ohh, so if I have a function that adds 2 to an int, the inputted int w... (by closed account jwC5fSEw)
by Tachyon
Numerical Integration Method, RK4
[1 reply] : Well, we generally don't do homework assignments for people. (by jsmith)
by kishor8dm
Matrix classes
[4 replies] Last: If you use std::deque<> then the contiguous memory requirement goes aw... (by jsmith)
by ksport99
What is wrong here?
[2 replies] Last: If you code it like that, I would suggest testing three additional loo... (by yoked88)
by Ola
a problem :(
[6 replies] Last: it supposes to,but realy the function i wrote doesn' do that term... (by Ola)
by peaco
Strings as arguments (Undefined reference)
[3 replies] Last: Thanks guys, forgot to specify it as part of list. (by peaco)
by enterprize
fstream file path on mac
[1 reply] : Such a directory doesn't exist on a Mac. Further, the Mac file separat... (by Duthomhas)
by ddominguez
Not understanding reading from CSV
[5 replies] Last: This is basically what he wants, i just found an example finally... Th... (by ddominguez)
by schmegtastic
Using loops and auto counters
[5 replies] Last: Hi - I could use some suggestions on loops as well. I am new to C++ ... (by Mozie)
by EvanEjk
Can you subtract strings?
[1 reply] : I never understood why there wasn't a - operator for strings. Anywa... (by Disch)