Beginners - February 2009 (Page 5)

how to compute eigenvalues
hi! I need to compute eigenvalues of an nxn matrix. I know lot about the existing numerical algorithms, but i was hoping for a library that already implement...
[1 reply] : In STL there is no library for matrix operations. I think that you can... (by maros522)
trying to make binary stream object
Here part of the code #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; int main() { char filename ; int n; int age; int...
[2 replies] Last: I am able to open a file successfullyy with you code. What issue are y... (by elpis)
C program that counts words,characters,lines.
Hi there i need a program to count words, lines, characters. I have the character and line count down but the word count is off can some one ple...
[1 reply] : if (ch == '\n') {line ++;word++;} (by Welzevul)
Reading from an input file to get a single line
Alright, so basicly my assignment is number 11 here :
[2 replies] Last: how would I do that? (by jimmbow)
by tjinx
Find Largest and Smallest
My problem is to ask the user to input numbers, 0 being the number that quits the program. If they input another number, it just continues asking them for a num...
[3 replies] Last: I would suggest something like #include <iostream> using namespac... (by open source)
Random function
Hi everyone! I need a random integer, but this integer must be lower than the number 10. In this example it gives any random integer: n = rand(); ...
[3 replies] Last: If you want a "random" number, you should seed off of the time. #i... (by belkdaddy)
ASCII Character code advancement, in a char array
Well, i've been trying to right a little program, that will go through all of the characters in a string (or in this case a char array) and advance their ASCII ...
[6 replies] Last: if i have an array of characters, but only the first 15 or so are use... (by helios)
by Xyzk
Graphs search algorithms
Well to cut the story short, I`ve been (for some time now) trying to learn all most useful algorithms and how to use them. Unfortunately, our great hero was hel...
[no replies]
Grey Wolf boxes
After reading the forums here, I saw Grey Wolf use boxes to represent memory with strings, and I thought it was pretty effective. It got my attention, anyway. S...
[2 replies] Last: Probably not, but can you elaborate? (by Ganellon)
Record Type:
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <math.h> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; struct purchaseType { string invoiceID; double ...
[14 replies] Last: & = reference = the argument becomes the variable you are passing * =... (by Bazzy)
What is the best way to maintain commonly called variables?
Lets say there is a class member Z. Z is called several times per iteration of the program. It is never modified outside of its class. How do pros and commer...
[5 replies] Last: Although there are times that data members should be public, making th... (by seymore15074)
by Peyton
Converter program
Hi there, The following program is a kW to horsepower converter. The problem I am having is that after choosing option 1, inputting 8 values and obtaining th...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks! :) (by Peyton)
Two Questions on Exception Handling
Software: Dev C++ Problem 1(Line 8): This example is to show we can use exception (and its derived class) to create exception objects that will be thrown by t...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you. kbw, Grey Wolf. I use logic_error and the problem is solved... (by Beginner101)
Hi guys. Just wondering if there is any way of getting loops like 'if' and 'while' to repeat themselves when they are contained within a 'for' loop. I have foun...
[4 replies] Last: Without seeing code it is hard to say for certain but it sounds like y... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
Issue with GetLine and Large files?
Is there a known issue (or perhaps, inadvertently by design) with using GetLine with large files? I'm writing my own platform-independant graphics engine. I wro...
[5 replies] Last: Yeah I definately plan to; the engine, so far, leaks like a stab victi... (by StakFallT)
|| (OR) Substitution?
Hi guys. First post. I'm trying to create a loop where the condition could be one of a number of different values. I have already found out that the operator ||...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks very much guys :) (by TheJMan)
istream and ostream??
I am working on a program for class and the algorithm provided by the teacher says we have a function string ReadMedia (istream &input); now.. how exactly do...
[1 reply] : You can use it exactly as if it was any other istream eg: if you ... (by Bazzy)
c++ without fear binary write sample program problem
Hey all, "Someone with the c++ without fear book" help. I am trying to run the binary file write and read sample programs that are included in the book on...
[2 replies] Last: It is the code sample that is in the book. (by pinkbyfloyd)
by Sain
finding factors
#include <stdio.h> int main() { int number; int sum = 0; int product = 1; int factor; int counter = 0; printf("Enter an ...
[1 reply] : You could use a simple for-loop and the '%' operator: if a is a fact... (by Scipio)
what is reusability
which feature is available in c++ to support reusability.
[1 reply] : Classes and functions. (by Return 0)
February 2009 Pages: 1... 34567... 22
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