by Sathed
Destructor Questions..
[4 replies] Last: They are inherited as jsmith said and don't need to be implemented bec... (by catch patrick)
by kittykat
syntax error
[1 reply] : Post your code, the compiler you used at school and the one you are us... (by Mythios)
by masiht
problem in creating a problem
[17 replies] Last: @ buzzy thanks alot it works now @ grey wolf , Thanks to you too. (by masiht)
by Mythios
Using a string in printf()
[2 replies] Last: Omg how did I forget that. I'll go boot vs up now and see how she goes... (by Mythios)
by zachlr
Error: missing function header (old-style formal list?)
[4 replies] Last: Okay, I'll convert this to if-else and post my next set of screw-ups ;... (by zachlr)
Calenders and File I/O column methods |
[no replies]
by Asseel
course average???
[6 replies] Last: Aren't operands always converted to the type of the biggest operand? (by helios)
by robousy
Trouble with char and classes
[2 replies] Last: Hi Odahk, Thanks for the quick response! I'll give your sugges... (by robousy)
by nedutd
problem with one line
[3 replies] Last: What are you doing with Array ? Your sentence is stored in strSenten... (by mordekai)
by Lazorith
Suggestion on starting.
[3 replies] Last: Thanks a bunch Sammie and Helios! (by Lazorith)
by rhodrickx
how do i create a binary float?
[5 replies] Last: Haha.. that's a good one. (by Sammie22)
by crawfoosh
Problems with logic
[1 reply] : Hi,crawfoosh In ur programme,there 5 cout << "Customer Name: " << ... (by hackeny)
by Chronophile
question about argv
[2 replies] Last: For the second question, you need to use a const_iterator. So, vect... (by mahlerfive)
by diva
Removing duplicates record from a file
[1 reply] : How is your data stored before you put it in the file? If your data is... (by mahlerfive)
by renzokuzen
Delete unsucessful.
[2 replies] Last: Oh! Thanks a lot! You rock, helios :D You're the SUN!!! (by renzokuzen)
by crawfoosh
calculations not workings if/else statements
[1 reply] : If you tried indenting your code you'd see the problem quite quickly. ... (by Zaita)
by crawfoosh
problem declaring strings
[4 replies] Last: thanks!!!!!!!!! (by crawfoosh)
by Samerious
Vector Trouble.
[4 replies] Last: grouplr.resize(cnt); (by Zaita)
by Jaymie
Vector to Array
[5 replies] Last: I'm going to have to say that I don't like it. It works because a vec... (by seymore15074)
by crawfoosh
Internet Service Program S Confused!
[1 reply] : amountdue = package_... (by Zaita)