Beginners - February 2009 (Page 10)

Function question
I have this function that should add two numbers if thmethod is 'a' tmethod is set to a before and cnr1 and cnr two are numbers. I get a warning like this whe...
[3 replies] Last: I would hazard a guess that 'a' represents 'addition', so if it did no... (by awasteoflife)
wat is preprocesor
wat is a development interface of a compiler and wat it does? wat is compiler's preprocessor wat it does?
[5 replies] Last: @eker676: Yes i guessed that was the case afterwards when I read where... (by awasteoflife)
by tan247
Using the getline function
I am trying to write a progam that takes a full name without spaces and prints the name on separate lines using the getline function. My program is not working...
[6 replies] Last: Which incidentally is what you should have done in the first place. (by guestgulkan)
How do I find all my posts?
I need to find an earlier post of mine and I can't find out how to list every one besides the latest 4... help?
[1 reply] : (by helios)
Pow function using repetitive addition
hi there! i badly need some help on this: implement a power function that uses repetitive addition. i'm thinking there should be nested loops....please help ...
[1 reply] : I'll walk you through getting started. You know you need to write a... (by seymore15074)
Urgent problem
I am currently stuck at this problem assigned to me below. Write a complete C++ program that consists of a main program and a function solve_quadratic_equat...
[3 replies] Last: All of the code is there. You just have to merge it together. Replace ... (by eker676)
wat is namespace std
"all the elements of the standard C++ library are declared within wat is called a namespace,the namespace with the name std" Please explain this.Wat the namesp...
[1 reply] : In C++ if you didn't include using namespace std; in your file you w... (by eker676)
cout affects memory contents?
I've been building a basic matrix class (based on Capper's book) to do some other work. While testing the class and functions, I noticed that the result I get ...
[no replies]
alphabetic order problem
something is wrong with this program the output will be abde instead of abced please help #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespa...
[no replies]
please explain about iostream
"Iostream includes the declarations of the basic standard input-output library in C++" Please explain this.Wat iostream contains?
[3 replies] Last: Speaking of <iostream> vs. <stdio.h> does an experienced C++ programme... (by wretch)
by Atrus
expected initializer before ‘&’ token
I get the error "expected initializer before ‘&’ token" when compiling const organsim_cell &organisms::operator (int i) // access organism_cell at...
[1 reply] : Did you mean to write "organsim" on line 1 of the source? This also... (by g0dwyn)
dynamic multidimensional arrays
I tried to make a multidimensional array on the free store. cout << "rows:";cin>>rows; cout << "columns";cin>>columns; string **a=0; a=new string* ; f...
[3 replies] Last: OOps, now I feel chicky... I figured out that the code works fine w... (by nicolasfranck)
by masiht
question about loops
which of the loop is most commonly used in place of goto loops ,while loop , do while ,or for?
[8 replies] Last: My code was only ment to show the construction: it wasn't correct code... (by Scipio)
nested loop problem
I'm sure this is a rookie mistake, but I can't figure my way out of it. I'm trying to list the lines from a text file in a particular order. My "input.txt" fi...
[7 replies] Last: Scipio -- you are quickly becoming my new best friend. I'm honore... (by Scipio)
want to know about function
Wat is a function and wat main function does and why int comes before it and () comes after it as it is written as int main().
[4 replies] Last: damn, I knew there would be an execption... I was just trying to soun... (by awasteoflife)
namespace confusion
I read somewhere that Jhon worked in company A with Id 102 and Jhon worked in company B with Id 102 now these r two different persons recognised by the differen...
[2 replies] Last: The namespace is like the company, having different namespace (eg name... (by Bazzy)
wat is namespace std
"all the elements of the standard C++ library are declared within wat is called a namespace,the namespace with the name std" Please explain this.Wat the namesp...
[2 replies] Last: The std namespace contains every function, class or object from the ... (by Bazzy)
Number guessing Game INVERTED - PROBLEM
Hello guys, Alright, it's tedious to explain what the little console application I want to make does, so I'll just show you the code. It explains it. #...
[6 replies] Last: yes... after you calculate the guess char relation; do{ cou... (by awasteoflife)
Basics of C++
Q1.wat is a development interface of a compiler and wat it does? Q2.wat is compiler's preprocessor wat it does? Q3."#include<iostream> is not a regular co...
[1 reply] : Sounds like you want us to do your homework for you... (by Return 0)
selecting a case
hi . i'm trying to select a case of choise from a switch option . if i select a case from a menu for exm. then i want it to go to a new func. that tells the...
[2 replies] Last: i have been trying to uplaod a txt file named (one_star) for exm. whi... (by neptune21)
February 2009 Pages: 1... 89101112... 22
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