by kerem59
[1 reply] : Maybe something like: #include<iostream> #include<string> using nam... (by seeplus)
by heart1210
Running Program Again??
[3 replies] Last: Consider something like C++17: #include <iostream> #include <string... (by seeplus)
by Simao12
Decent GUI tutorial
[3 replies] Last: Actually the guy is using Stream^ mystream As a c++ beginner I am co... (by oggin)
swap words in a string/ simplify my code please |
[4 replies] Last: @oggin. n is defined but not initialised before it is used - hence cou... (by seeplus)
by seghrein2300
adding some features to my code.
[16 replies] Last: Sorry, my computer needed some repair these past days. Thank you, @s... (by seghrein2300)
by Alex12361
Passing function ptr to template function
[1 reply] : Your ptr_example_key takes in an Example* (pointer-to-example), but yo... (by Ganado)
by akira5555
assignment help
[10 replies] Last: @jlb Thanks for the correction. (by MikeyBoy)
I want to call a function more than once, but it uses static variables. |
[5 replies] Last: If I declare a variable in a function its lifetime ends with the func... (by MikeyBoy)
by me743
nested structs
[4 replies] Last: Thank you. That was driving me nuts. Apparently I also need to do o... (by MikeyBoy)
by akira5555
help with assignment
[3 replies] Last: [See other post] (by seeplus)
Load multiple class objects from file OR save/load vector of class objects |
[12 replies] Last: [quote=seeplus]char usually, but could be wchar_t or other types for u... (by Peter87)
by leander g
Dynamic table (like a 2d array, but with vectors): How to increment size (like push_back)?
[13 replies] Last: There are several different ways to iterate through a std::vector . T... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by laura11111
set method c++
[4 replies] Last: Frankly, the implementation of FreightTrainRoute::FreightTrainRoute(s... (by keskiverto)
by laura11111
derivate classs in c++
[3 replies] Last: Consider: #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include <string> #inclu... (by seeplus)
by volodstaimi
Fireworks in C++
[5 replies] Last: You can draw graphics using OpenGL. My example shows how to draw a rot... (by Observer)
by Razgriz
Stuck with sorting struct array
[7 replies] Last: <algorithm> sort has more capabilities than qsort. https://www.cpluspl... (by salem c)
by Struglling84
Vector Not Found Error! (sorting txt files)
[6 replies] Last: I managed to get it going using you all as a reference. Thank you all ... (by Struglling84)
Populating matrix diagonally from cordinates |
[6 replies] Last: Here's an idea that might help you to think about directions just bein... (by salem c)
error in vs 2019 ?? |
[no replies]
by kmcfall
Calculate the registration fee
[6 replies] Last: Hello kmcfall, Thank you for the input file. Very helpful. As mentio... (by Handy Andy)