by InsaneAI
Not getting expected output
[3 replies] Last: THANKS JLB!!! Your solution worked for me. (by InsaneAI)
by AL88
How do I make the srand code run infinitely the stop with getch?
[3 replies] Last: See (by seeplus)
by WakelessFoil
Dynamic Array conversion
[2 replies] Last: You actually don't need to use an array or dynamic memory for this. Al... (by seeplus)
by irene 127
How to use an arguement in a function?
[7 replies] Last: I finally understood! It was such a simple solution yet I couldn't man... (by irene 127)
by Bartels32
What is the Windows version of cron?
[2 replies] Last: (by salem c)
by Leonardo797
statistics and average rainfall data
[8 replies] Last: Here's what I mean. This is a simplistic translation of the sample pro... (by dhayden)
by scorpi92
for a C++ newbie formulas calculations
[3 replies] Last: std is matlab (this is why I asked) for standard deviation. I am no... (by jonnin)
Opened csv and added functions, but unsure how to incorporate them into the code (1,2,3) |
[53 replies] Last: Duplicate question: ... (by MikeyBoy)
Unknown errors while trying to use a show function for a class |
[3 replies] Last: Already asked in Pl... (by MikeyBoy)
by PP Namias
Online shopping market- Car dealership
[3 replies] Last: Consider: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <iterator>... (by seeplus)
by seghrein2300
what codes can I use?
[7 replies] Last: I got it fixed, thank you all. (by seghrein2300)
by xatetihu
dp table
[2 replies] Last: If you insist on doing it by memoisation it would look something like ... (by lastchance)
by lumtotzin
candidate function not viable:
[3 replies] Last: @salem c Thanks very much, it works well now. (by lumtotzin)
by vittorioc98
2D array through shared memory
[3 replies] Last: > My question is: Can i allocate and manage a shared memory without go... (by salem c)
by Volapiik
why do multiple conditions in the if statement evaluate to false?
[3 replies] Last: Also, you can simplify your line 10 to just if (h && !a && !d && !f ... (by Ganado)
by jadolby3
Calculating total pay to employee from hours worked and pay rate.
[5 replies] Last: Your hourlypay.txt is lacking values for L28, L10, L39 and L15 ... (by longberns)
by oceanSpray
Linked list deleting nodes
[2 replies] Last: Actual display when search is called Yes, this is bcause of line 11. ... (by coder777)
by noobstudent
If-else within switch cases being ignored?
[7 replies] Last: its very easy to scramble your logic operators for anyone. I do it an... (by jonnin)
by jw209
How to make an overloaded [] operator that you can read but also write to?
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! (by jw209)
by Leonardo797
write, save and read .dat files (1,2)
[22 replies] Last: Changes above (have to separate due to post size limitations): 1) Can... (by seeplus)