Beginners - December 2018 (Page 18)

by yat89
Reading text file into array
Hi everyone, I have a text file as below. Each row represent one set of solution. 10 row indicated 10 solution/ initial route. Each solution can be read like th...
[3 replies] Last: In my last post I gave a sequence of 4 things to do. You have done the... (by lastchance)
Linked Lists
I can't figure out what I am doing wrong I'm following an example but I keep getting errors the ones I can see are in my linkeList.cpp file. and the more I k...
[1 reply] : //linkedList.cpp template<class Type> void linkedListType<Type>::pri... (by swaveysaiyan)
Questions about Polymorphism
I'm so confused.. : class Base{ protected: string username; string name; public: //Constructors Base(){ username = "Ba...
[6 replies] Last: @ vittorioc98 In your OP, the first part of the code in the main fun... (by TheIdeasMan)
Help with homework
Hey, I dont know how to make this work properly. I dont know how to keep the score array and the name array together. I need to display the scores that go along...
[2 replies] Last: > Write a program that dynamically allocates an array large enough to ... (by salem c)
by JasonH
Converting a number
Hi everyone, this question might be a bit elementaty but I haven't done any programming in many years and I am a bit stuck. I am trying to convert a number i...
[2 replies] Last: That worked perfect, thank you very much. (by JasonH)
Exit loop using number
How can I exit the lopp using -1, before I had the second while loop I was able to exit the loop using -1 but now it doesn't exit it just keep asking for anothe...
[1 reply] : Hello Rocketboy, the outer while loop at line 12 is an endless loop w... (by Handy Andy)
Hello , I need help with a certain problem.The task is to check if a nxn matrix has a diagonal,whose numbers are all different.The program should return 1 if it...
[9 replies] Last: One set of diagonals (parallel to the main diagonal) are the lines i-j... (by lastchance)
Creating array of pointers to poin to diffrent objects
Hi guys.I have to make an array of 2018 pointers that points to objects type Number of which 1009 point to Rational numbers,and 1009 to complex numbers.I have t...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you for your replies.I have changed values from double to int.My... (by Zivojin)
by detro
open application windows.h
I need to create a button on my interface on C++ and when someone click on this, open another program. How can i do this? I am using windows.h library If anyon...
[2 replies] Last: Oh, this helped me soooooo much Thanks bro!!! If I have another questi... (by detro)
by az1234
Class name does not recognize a type
Hi, I've been working on a program and I've hit an error. I have two 2 classes(in 2 separate h files) and I've included them both inside one another. In my firs...
[7 replies] Last: So I found out the issue, apparently while I had included "cars.h" in ... (by az1234)
I ran into a weird issue causes infinite loop
Hi I'm pretty new to programming I'm taking a c++ curse at university. will now i'm working on my final project for a while now ,after I finished i started tes...
[2 replies] Last: thank you for your input i'll try to do it. and yes i meant fin thanks... (by azezo2211)
void initArray(int arr , int arrSize){ for(int x=0;x<arrSize;x++){ arr = 0; } } /*initialize array elements to 0*/
[1 reply] : Why are you yelling commands at me? Is that how you talk to other stud... (by Ganado)
Example of CRUD in array with function please. add, edit, delete, search, display and exit
[no replies]
can u give me an example of simple crud w/ function and file handling? thanks
[1 reply] : You might want to follow this thread: (by dhayden)
by yat89
Sorting related two arrays based on another
Hi. I'm new to C++ programming. I got a task on sorting. Given a text file with three column information's which are matricNum, marks and gender. I need to sort...
[4 replies] Last: you have some really nice data. your file already has the array index... (by jonnin)
Cannot read string types properly.
Hello everyone. I am having issues using my counters to count the upper case, lower case, numbers, digits, and special caracters of my program. It looks like th...
[1 reply] : I would write the for loop like this: for (i = 0; nom != '\0'; i++)... (by Thomas1965)
Help with array output
Hello, I'm new to coding in c++ and I need to output the sound the mammal makes through void speak when I output the array at the end of code. So when the loop ...
[1 reply] : Cat catto(name, w); m = &catto; catto is a local variable which g... (by salem c)
by owmn
Troublesome error, please help!
So my school assignment was this: Write a program that creates three identical arrays, list1, list2, and list3 of 5000 elements. The program then sorts list1 us...
[14 replies] Last: @AbstractionAnon, Thank you so much! This worked perfectly. (by owmn)
by owmn
Homework Help Please
I ran across some errors in this cpp program I had to write for school, and I can't figure out what to instructions are below; any help or advice is gre...
[3 replies] Last: I completely overlooked this issue...thank you all very much! (by owmn)
Making dll functions names (1,2)
I have dll file from which i need to get parameters it receive, i am thinking i would make the same dll file with the same functions names but instead of doing ...
[20 replies] Last: you just include the library and a definition of the function and call... (by jonnin)
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