Beginners - December 2018 (Page 17)

Trangle with a base equal to its height
I'm supposed to practice nested for loops. There is one problem that asks for a pyramid with its base equal its height and I have come up with something that ki...
[no replies]
Arrays, classes, and functions?
For a project I'm making a text-based game. I want to have an inventory system in which the player use or drop items. If the player uses an item, it should give...
[1 reply] : Is this all of your code? can you try uploading everything (source f... (by sciman777)
by Cairus
outputting same number into randnum array
so this array is supposed to have between 20 and 30 elements and it seems to be doing that fine, but then it is supposed to generate random numbers into each of...
[5 replies] Last: @FurryGuy, your solution just about did it, I had to move line 29 as w... (by Cairus)
Structures killing me
So Im trying to make an age calculator using structures, but it seems like everything Im trying gets me a sea of errors. Here's my code. #include <cst...
[11 replies] Last: Thx guys (by Warzombie3701)
Program doesnt go in a loop
I have been trying to learn how to make simple games on c++ like snake. I was able to make a complete snake game. It was flickering a lot because i was clearing...
[1 reply] : You don't show where gameover is initialized (if it is at all). It co... (by AbstractionAnon)
Insertion Sort in a Class
Hello. I'm a Cpp newbie and I have a question that i can't find an answer to it. So Im writing this program about Tourist sights using a class. Inside i have na...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you. That helped me realise my mistakes. So almost a week of typ... (by StoyanG)
Exception handling not performing?
This is just a section of the code as the program runs as expected before I started adding exception handling. Still a new subject for me and I reviewed the tu...
[4 replies] Last: The Core Guidelines has good information about using exceptions effect... (by mbozzi)
browser have to download if the webpage has four graphics and plays music when it is downloaded?
[4 replies] Last: You could save the web page to a disk and see how many files it has. (by Thomas1965)
Assignment problem
Hello! It's my first time posting in this forum and I'm having a problem. I know its basic but a big reference of help would encourage me to have a big insight ...
[12 replies] Last: Thanks for the reference! I'll make sure to make my own version of cod... (by zephile)
by mmgh
illegal value problem in LAPACK
Hi, I am trying to SVD relatively large matrices (100000 * 100000) using C++ dgelsd_ routine from LAPACK. However, it returns On entry to DLASCL parameter nu...
[no replies]
Counting numbers gives wrong answer
I've made a program to count the number of total numbers used, to count the number of even numbers and to count how many times a number is less than 1 and great...
[12 replies] Last: #include <iostream> int main() { const int LOWER_LIMIT = 1 ; ... (by JLBorges)
initializing a class member
initializing in member list ? class myclass { int member { 1 }; public: void showmember( void ) { std::cout << member; }...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for a fast reply. I started out with C with classes. (by mycuser)
Beginning c++ Through Game Programming - Stuck with pointer errors!
Hello, I am fairly new to c++ and am currently working through the book above. I am stuck on Chr 7 Ex 2 "Rewrite the final project from Chapter 5, the Mad Lib ...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you very much. (by dalel1035)
by defs
TicTacToe game
I have few problems with my code. I don't know why system('CLS') isn`t working second checking the winner.. even if some wins game never stops ( later I wil...
[1 reply] : Ok .. for now I did one more while loop to reset a game, but I want to... (by defs)
by kretze
snake game
hey guys im doing a snake game(its not nearly finished) but i have a one snake-head is always goes on the left...but its suposed to be on the cente...
[no replies]
Help with homework
So currently my online class is learning about pointers. I dont quite understand them and their usage but for one of the assignments it tells us: Create a fu...
[4 replies] Last: Whats the real purpose of using them if all they do is point to memor... (by MikeyBoy)
input idea
if one has an input of this shape string s = { { } { { } } { { } { { } } } } how do you input it such that {} get stored in vector as one element, the followi...
[1 reply] : Well after the initial { For each {, increment a counter. For each },... (by salem c)
Different variables, same result
is there something wrong with the code, because no matter what variables I put it to the text document it reads from, I still get the statement "true", even if ...
[2 replies] Last: Now it works, thank you so much. I might have misunderstood, because i... (by MrGoodCookie)
In progress of developing a sort of plaza. error in the main() function
Why won't My program start? It keeps saying this: "no match for operator'==' in answer 'a' " (and for simplicity I removed the other functions.) #include<ios...
[4 replies] Last: I see, I will give it consideration. (by closed account 367kGNh0)
Coupon + Question on random statements
Hello, Firstly I wanted to share this free c++ udemy course coupon worth £9.99. : you should paste...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you salem! And thanks for the note on line 11 andy (by closed account 367kGNh0)
December 2018 Pages: 1... 1516171819... 22
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