Beginners - December 2016 (Page 19)

by Fligii
Input from file and Sorted output to a different file
I have a problem. I've to make project that takes input from one file, that contains names of students and their answers to a test, then I have to count the num...
[1 reply] : The keyword there is "Sort" when you want to sort something it's possi... (by SamuelAdams)
Read a line in a file and store in an array C++
I have an assignment that asks me to read a file in .txt as following: "Item: Wood 2.5 Item: Metal 5.5 Item: Cat 900 Item: Spear 50.7 Recipe: Spear = Wood + Woo...
[2 replies] Last: Bump (by ninjachachi)
So is there away for me to grab the grade points out of my "double average(string grade) function? I need the number I get from "x" that is returned, to be sent...
[no replies]
Text-editing software
You are asked to develop a program to display an input paragraph in multiple lines based on the alignment mode one chooses. Make sure your main function is conc...
[no replies]
I had a question about pointer-initializations. C++ compilers would not allow a const object to be modified or assigned to an identifier through which it coul...
[2 replies] Last: Make sense, thank you very much! (by muhammad k)
Typically, the member functions of the Standard Library class string which take a string argument, are overloaded with both the parameter types const String& a...
[2 replies] Last: thank you for your reply but I am still not sure what you meant....I a... (by muhammad k)
Paragraph alignment question
Hey guys i'm working on a project that involves the user submitting a paragraph to me and then asking them to choose which alignment option they would like(see ...
[3 replies] Last: If you want to format paragraphs, you need to do it yourself. As I me... (by cire)
problen Dec C++ <conio2>
Hello! I use Dev C ++, I install the package <conio2> and it does not bind to the compiler, which I can do. Use <iostream> using namespace std; [code #include...
[7 replies] Last: Well, I did try the conio2 package (by Chervil)
Function errors
Hey guys getting this error i have no idea how to fix it can someone please help thank you // manager.h #include <iostream> #include <fstream> usin...
[8 replies] Last: Thank you so much ! (by Hamanan111)
I need help to fix this code
Hi everybody I need help to fix this code, which is a program about using diagnosis algorithm of Type 2 Diabetes. I used the first chart in this pdf to wr...
[13 replies] Last: Are you still getting errors? Your code compiles fine for me. Line ... (by AbstractionAnon)
Serial Port, String to Char Array. Help Please
Hi everyone, I have a serial port program, which is working. Basically a micro sends serial data every 3 seconds and the program receives it and displays it in...
[5 replies] Last: I think I've got it. bit messy but something like, // StringManipulat... (by MarkJoyce)
by dawe73
C++ book
Hello. I'm searching for some c++ book. I'm not complete beginner, I have already read C++ Demystified(200 pages, well explained but a lot of C-style coding) s...
[6 replies] Last: No, I don't have it. I'm just deciding which one to buy. I know they a... (by dawe73)
linked list delete dups
I have a problem that i need to solve. For example this is the list 2 - 7 - 11 - 2 - 7 - 2. there are 2 duplicates of 2's. What i need to write a code for is ...
[2 replies] Last: First, your list could have a convenience helper function: void List:... (by keskiverto)
Question on vector iterators
Hi, I'm having an issue trying to get the code below to work and I have a feeling it's down to my misunderstanding of iterators and vectors. I have a vector of...
[1 reply] : Iterator vali... (by ne555)
Stacks and Queues
Hi, I'm very inexperienced with C++ and coding in general and need some help with the following task: 1) Change the code so that only the names beginning wit...
[1 reply] : so that only the names beginning with the letter J are added to the ... (by gunnerfunner)
Issues with searching for a keyword in a file
Hi! I am having issues with my search function to find a song for a play list maker I am creating. I have looked at the tutorials but I do not think I unders...
[9 replies] Last: Ah, I did not think about the file being opened improperly, I thought... (by Chervil)
efficient loop over map
Hi I am attempting to find an efficient loop over a map<map> data structure. The map structure maps the following integers: 1 2 2 3 3 1 4 1 4 5 5 3...
[2 replies] Last: Hi Peter87 thanks, can't believe I couldn't see the error. I've modi... (by bluefrog)
Vector, same value on same row
In the output for the sorted integers they know display in one long column. I would like the 1:s on one row the 2:s on one row etc.. For example 1 1 1 2 2 3 ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! (by markusfurst)
specialise a hash function
I'm attempting to copy the code from wikipedia for applying a hash function on unordered map. The idea came from the following code: https://en.wikipedia.or...
[2 replies] Last: thank you very much. Much appreciated. Took a while to get my head ro... (by bluefrog)
Question about inheritance
I need class "Vector4D" to initialize all the variables,I have to create a default and a generic constructor in Vector4D to initialize all variables in all thre...
[8 replies] Last: This will Help you!! Inheritance : (by navdeepk)
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