by JohnnyJames
Bordered Plus Pattern Coding Problem
[1 reply] : That code seems pretty good for making a diagonal cross. To make a p... (by Chervil)
by bird1234
Error On Array Output
[8 replies] Last: Yes, that seems to work. You could simplify it slightly by changing t... (by Chervil)
by ElmStreet
What would be a method to call a user input from one function to the main function?
[5 replies] Last: Hydranix, that's great, thank you! I've been racking my brain while tr... (by ElmStreet)
by Deeyumm
how to fix these errors?
[3 replies] Last: You do mean something like the 'maxsize' in //inverse function void I... (by keskiverto)
by bird1234
Char array error
[1 reply] : i get it i just have to use cin.ignore(); between line no 8 and 9... (by bird1234)
by Robsome97
Displaying Text in a Text Adventure game
[4 replies] Last: when a scentence reaches the end of a line, it will go to the next li... (by Chervil)
by morgl
.exe has stopped runnung
[2 replies] Last: Thank you integralfx! :) (by morgl)
by BlueGonzalez
Final Project: Stuck on adding planets and its data
[5 replies] Last: You can use an iterator instead of the range loop: for (set<Planet>... (by gunnerfunner)
by DirtyBlasion
array multiple data types???
[no replies]
by dawe73
C++ book
[2 replies] Last: Senhor, I've already read so short book and now I'm serching for somet... (by dawe73)
by rothab88
Class Employee
[no replies]
by Beginner2016
Need your inputs please
[6 replies] Last: OP: all your functions return void, so don't expect any output from th... (by gunnerfunner)
by MistahMoose
Discussion on Dynamic Arrays
[10 replies] Last: Freddie: this is amazing! Many thanks for a real-world example and the... (by gunnerfunner)
by Poropin
how to put decimal point
[4 replies] Last: I got it to worked. Thanks! (by Poropin)
by forta2k
Prime numbers
[10 replies] Last: thnx @ar2007 for identifying my mistake (by bird1234)
by Xrey274
Enums Error
[6 replies] Last: Thanks! :) (by Xrey274)
by A34
Using a function to increment every number in an array by 1
[2 replies] Last: Two errors (I think): (1) Lines 55 and 74 should both be for (i=... (by lastchance)
can't pass array to to function |
[6 replies] Last: That could be. When I compile my example with a C-compiler, I get a wa... (by nuderobmonkey)
by bishara22
passing to 2D Array into function to initialize the content
[4 replies] Last: You can't do that in the line with your question marks. Because you ca... (by nuderobmonkey)
by soownic
Saving result to variable
[7 replies] Last: How about an array? #define RESULTS_SIZE 5 int Results[ RESULTS_S... (by koothkeeper)