Beginners - December 2016 (Page 11)

by nonana
Reading Data from a File
[19 replies] Last: I think your question about the last line is one you should be able to... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Why is malloc() return type causing and error?
I am writing a program to display the nodes of a graph in a depth-first traversal. however I get these error messages Error 1 error C2440: '=' : cannot conv...
[2 replies] Last: First off, are you writing C or C++? Line 1: This is a C header, not... (by AbstractionAnon)
by Zenyat
Simple Shopping Program
Hello everyone, I began working with C++ few months ago and I'm trying to create a simple shopping program that would ask the user to enter their information (s...
[3 replies] Last: Hello Zenyat, After further testing I found these problems: line 25 ... (by Handy Andy)
sorting for strings (putting a list in alphabetical order) (1,2)
So my program reads names from a file and then sorts them by first name.My program does this,but the last name does not follow with the first name. eg mike orb...
[31 replies] Last: Thank you so much guys, the program runs successfully. You guys helped... (by ahsan215)
Class C++
Write your question here. For example, I have a base constructor and I want to write a derived constructor using base constructor. Is it valid? Bill::Bill(...
[1 reply] : Is it valid? Yes, it is and you can simplify your code somewhat by u... (by gunnerfunner)
loop function for n students and n marks
So, I got this one question from my lecturer and it kinda confused me. Can anyone actually solve this out? Write a C++ program to do the following : PROBLEM...
[3 replies] Last: dear naaaaaaa, int n=1<5; that's a syntax error for(int i=0;i<5;i... (by shadder)
The output section only print one state per line. How can i print 3 states per line? getline(cin, filename);, ios::binary); //check file...
[2 replies] Last: Hello john99999999999999999999, The output section only print one st... (by Handy Andy)
Some bug with array program
This program that I wrote works fine expect that it outputs the number 1606416376. So I guess that there's a bug somewhere in the program. #include <iostre...
[2 replies] Last: @coder777 thanks alot! (by markusfurst)
Class C++
Write your question here. I have problems with setcode and getcode method. Could someone help me? This is what i have done so far. class Bill { priva...
[3 replies] Last: OP: If you can use std::string for name why not for code as well? Life... (by gunnerfunner)
[3 replies] Last: [quote=Katie111] Trouble with Identifier not Found 'moveUp' and Intell... (by Peter87)
by wolfv
How to hard-code vector initialization for vector of struct vectors?
The following class gets this compile error: In file included from scancodesTest.cpp:9:0: ScancodeInstantiations.h: In constructor ‘ScancodeInstantiations::...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks Peter87. Name and scancode were suposed to be strings. You sav... (by wolfv)
by murry4
help with simulating drivers license test
im doing a project where i have to simulate a drivers license test using arrays and im SOOO confused about arrays. i've looked all over online and nothing i fi...
[1 reply] : Here you are, @murry4 - have a go and more people will respond to your... (by lastchance)
keep getting access violation reading location error.
Hey guys I am having trouble with this project. It is suppose to read names from a list, sort them, and find a name when searched while displaying the name, num...
[4 replies] Last: First I would check if the data is read correctly from the file by pri... (by Thomas1965)
by hawks
grafi con liste di adiacenza
Write your question here.Salve a tutti avrei dei dubbi sulla questione da cui il titolo.Diciamo che gia so come implementare il grafo fin tanto che i nodi sono ...
[no replies]
Help with sorting a .dat file
Hello. I'm new here. I'm learning C++ at school. However, our school board enforces us to use TC(Turbo C++), so I'm stuck with this primitive excuse of a compi...
[1 reply] : *bump* (by Shashashank)
Comparing sizes of strings and sort them
So I'm trying to write a program that compares the size of the last name first and then the first name if the last names are equal. But I don't get the output r...
[2 replies] Last: what am I doing wrong? - create stringstream objects from name1 etc ... (by gunnerfunner)
Write a menu driven program that will feature five functions.
My professor gave us this hard code to but I do not have the slightest idea on how to do it! Could you guys just help get me started? Write a menu driven prog...
[8 replies] Last: This forum likes to see some effort on behalf of the OP (which inciden... (by gunnerfunner)
by Jaif
std in class Distance does not name a type
Hello, I am getting error:'std' in 'class Distance' does not name a type... and if I use "using namespace std;" in both header and cpp file it will put out err...
[4 replies] Last: That's right. Function in total should be: std::ostream& operator<<(... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by xx123
2d grid array
This is supposed to be a grid and it's supposed to have different letters on the grid in different directions. But only one letter is showing up on my code ...
[2 replies] Last: See Please continue th... (by lastchance)
by leocc
How can I fix this?
There is an error in my code, this is what it looks like (just the part where the error is). How can I fix it? d=sqrt((x2-x1)^2+(y2-y1)^2); ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks a lot guys. (by leocc)
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