by skintone
Apply dos in C++
[1 reply] : There is probably no header <cstdlib.h> in that ancient compiler, try ... (by jlb)
by whileloops
Compilation errors. Having trouble finding the problem.
[1 reply] : Please post your Sales_item.h file. (by jlb)
by nuttsy
small++ large-1
[2 replies] Last: large-1; doesn't actually do anything. Well, it calculates a result,... (by Chervil)
by mlholder
Cannot find where the memory leak is
[4 replies] Last: After changing my insertion functions and also looking at the append f... (by mlholder)
by hgokturk
std::string character encoding problem
[7 replies] Last: Very strange... I write c++ in cocos2d-x. When i test the code mention... (by hgokturk)
by integralfx
Deleting Linked List
[2 replies] Last: Thanks :) (by integralfx)
by ephraimr
2 doubts about vectors and strings
[4 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <iomanip> #include <ty... (by JLBorges)
by sadaf akmal
error in code...
[1 reply] : Duplicated Post. (by chicofeo)
How can i solve this in c++ |
[1 reply] : What code have you done so far? (by chicofeo)
by alicephalex
finding the highest value
[2 replies] Last: TarikNeaj answered the question pretty much. If you want to go furthe... (by mpark4656)
by mrbplusplus
SYSTEMTIME to wchar_t
[1 reply] : Convert the systemtime to a string. #include <iostream> #include <Wi... (by naraku9333)
by GuitarMan
Tree with n amount of child
[no replies]
by Luisito07
help needed with code
[3 replies] Last: As I mentioned in my previous post, float and double are approxima... (by AbstractionAnon)
by rofhiwangae
composition relationship
[2 replies] Last: tanx alot (by rofhiwangae)
by Blackhart98
How to delete a class from CodeBlocks
[no replies]
by hiephoi
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
[8 replies] Last: Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. :) But for now I use the command line ... (by hiephoi)
by bikstrapan
Approximating the value of e
[4 replies] Last: Thanks a lot for your inputs and explanations. They have been very hel... (by bikstrapan)
Coding Help |
[1 reply] : int main() { HWND WindowHandel = FindWindowA(0, "Calculator"); ... (by Tomoko Kuroki)
by BlueOctopus
passing by reference
[11 replies] Last: I read some more tutorials and If I got it correctly every object crea... (by BlueOctopus)
by louwin
Multi programming with "windows.h" logic/loop?
[11 replies] Last: Terrific FurryGuy. :) I would prefer optimisation to obfuscation thou... (by louwin)