Beginners - December 2015 (Page 37)

About breaking loop
Which is the best way to break out multiple loops together? Break function only breaks a single loop... What would I do in a branching loop situation?
[2 replies] Last: First, ordinary logic is helpful. If, for some reason, the terminatin... (by purushottam1973)
Can't read the text file
I use a macbook and installed a virtual machine "parallel desktop" with windows 7 and visual studio 2012. I don't know if this causes a problem. I could never ...
[3 replies] Last: Please see lines 30-49, that's the ifstream. #include<iostream> #... (by jekaterina)
I have an assginment and I am having trouble on the math
***Here is what I have to do... # of people Room Type Price per night 1 budget 100 1 Mid price 200 1 Penthouse NA 2 Budget 200 2 Mid Price 300 2 Pentho...
[2 replies] Last: So the trouble is [(myPeople*100)] would this be a valid way to do a m... (by RGB 455)
File with .in extension.
Hey. So i have a task to take input data from and put something in output file which is .out. the thing is, it creates the .out file, but it wont make...
[1 reply] : This piece of code will not create "". It will try to open th... (by Peter87)
Rock, Paper, Scissors Program Help
Hey guys, I am very new to C++, just started learning it and I'm trying to build a program that plays against you in a game of rock, paper, scissors. To start,...
[3 replies] Last: // Ashleigh Armstrong // 1-15-2015 // CH 7, pg 477, Rock Paper Scisso... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
stringstream of characters
Hi there guys, This is my first post. I am new to C++ and would like to print out a 'maze' of characters. Please could you help me with fixing my code? I ...
[2 replies] Last: Or try something like this. Note char maze [mazewidth +1 ] to allow... (by Chervil)
writing and reading a file
I am writing two program that go hand in hand for some assignments. The first program is to create a file and input an integer and a floating point value into ...
[7 replies] Last: Instead of calling the open() function you could use the constructor. ... (by jlb)
linked list with templates
Hi, Is it possible to create linked list class with templates? if it is, can you bring me a small example? thanks.
[6 replies] Last: std::list is a double-linked list. If you are looking for single-li... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by Edgy
Stack Help!
When I test it the stack seems to be filling up correctly, but the answer always comes out as zero. Everthing compiles fine so it is some logic error I have. ...
[8 replies] Last: [quote=Thomas1965]Make sense to me, we should be concerned about compi... (by TheIdeasMan)
by ebucna
method output
Hi, in my assignment I need to output a boarding pass in a format: FROM DATE TIME <flight1.departureAi...
[2 replies] Last: i feel so incredibly silly, thanks (by ebucna)
No string displaying // Windows error // Need help for my Proyect! Urgent!
Hi, I´m need on this site, so please be patient :) I have to finish this "game" for my final proyect on c++ Its a memory game that should display a map in...
[5 replies] Last: It started when I added "*" to start on the code Don't add stuff to... (by cire)
If Loop Error
I'm trying to make a program that will guess a number you input. I'm kind of confused on what I'm doing wrong. The program compiles, and everything works, but t...
[2 replies] Last: Some of the if statements need braces around the block of statements... (by Chervil)
Store words from file in array
I would like to read a txt file and then extract the words in an array. e.g. (A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mo...
[4 replies] Last: Thomas1965 I had much the same idea. Plus one extra function to remove... (by Chervil)
Questions about linked list
Can you pass a linked list through a function? so let's say i already created my linked list..i have the values all linked together. Can i pass my entire link...
[2 replies] Last: we have to use bubble sort, for the project (by nameishi)
[HELP]: Application of Queues: Simulation of an Airport
Simulationis the use of one system to imitate the behavior of another system. A computer simulationis a program to imitate the behavior of the system under stud...
[1 reply] : How about you help yourself first. This isn't a homework site. Show so... (by TarikNeaj)
by cb32
Rounding decimal down
I am an engineering intern and am trying to write a program that will convert metric dimensions and tolerances to imperial. When making this conversion the tole...
[15 replies] Last: Can you explain to me why my code didn't work as intended? I am confu... (by cire)
by rmg123
Virtual/Cyber Pet Program
I'm a beginner at this and I'm trying to make a sort of cyber/virtual pet program, I am getting really confused as to how to make it work the way I want to. I w...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! Okay, here is the code I have so far : #include <iostrea... (by rmg123)
by c2plus
Overload operator <<
I have constructed the but my overload operator << doesn't work correctly. The results which I received are: <Person S Smith N Tom> <Person S Smith N...
[2 replies] Last: Variables are not virtual and do not override each other in any way: p... (by Cubbi)
by Sosa
C++ Sorting the “percentage” of two paired integer arrays
Write your question here. I have a program with 2 "paired" integer arrays newNumerator[ ], and newDenominator[ ] which both have 9 integers in them. I wrote a f...
[4 replies] Last: Hi Sorry off topic, but I'm trying to get hold of fun2code, I sent hi... (by marailth)
vector of pointers
what is the consquences if i didnt allocate the vectors of pointers in the heap properly like this class Test { public: Test() :m_test(); // i...
[3 replies] Last: why did you report JLBorges? (by xenoviaquarta)
December 2015 Pages: 1... 3536373839... 43
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