Beginners - December 2015 (Page 24)

help I can convert jade code to C++?? please help me... thanks
[2 replies] Last: thanks for help (by respiana)
Hello usa
So you think if you write a program, it's limited to the USA ?
[3 replies] Last: I seem to be able to report the same post multiple times, which is new... (by TheIdeasMan)
Linked list equivalency
Why is (*x).y is not equivalent to *x.y? is (*x).y and x->y equivalent?
[12 replies] Last: That cleared out so much. Thanks! (by supernoob)
Converting a string literal to a Complex Number.
Hi, I am new to programming and I've been trying to create my own complex number class in C++ it can do things like z = x + y, z = x/y, z = conj(x), Re(z) etc. ...
[3 replies] Last: It works for me. Could you give us an example where it fails? That's... (by Jeremy Howard)
by tomtom
I NEED HELP with writing an IF then else statement
The manager of a private club's golf course is having some trouble understanding his customer attendance. The manager's objective is to optimize staff availabil...
[8 replies] Last: Maybe OP is having trouble with the structure of if statements or chec... (by JayhawkZombie)
by dhs2
Project needs done
I need a poker project done soon. Searched google but couldn't find anything good. Starting to panic because this is the first one I haven't been able to copy a...
[7 replies] Last: Don't feed the trolls, guys. Just report them. (by JayhawkZombie)
error while creating vector<char>
I am getting error in this code #include<iostream> #include<vector> using namespace std; int main() { vector<char> a(1000); cin>>a; a.erase(a.begin()+2)...
[2 replies] Last: thanks...i got it (by innocentnaruto)
Errors need help
I need help! I keep getting this error in line 46 initialization with {..} expected for agrregate object and error c2440 cannot convert from bool to double ...
[5 replies] Last: here is the logic: you have to open the file which contains the answe... (by alex067)
Ostream& operator<<() multiple outputs
My question is I have a simple class that creates a contact object (First name, last name, phone, email). I have created the class and I'm using STL functions t...
[1 reply] : Well, you can overload the operator yourself and then you'll have full... (by JayhawkZombie)
by tNK
Understanding logic behind several if statements
Hey everyone! firstly i just want to apologize in advance if what I'm about to ask is a dumb question. I am new to c++ programming and this forum. I'm trying to...
[3 replies] Last: The best way to understand code is to get a paper and pencil, make up ... (by alex067)
by gspere
Manipulation of Arrays through Functions
Hey guys, pretty new to c++ and we had to manipulate the elements of the array through specific functions. The input and display functions work, however, the mi...
[7 replies] Last: ^ exactly what he said Also make sure to change your for loop accordi... (by alex067)
Just C++?
Can we call our self a software engineer after learning C++ and Data Structures & Algorithm?
[2 replies] Last: Get down the aspect of programming feel VERY comfortable with it. Unde... (by C0D3FR3AK)
what does this code mean
is this code transferable to cpp? #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #define SIZE 6 /* Board size - must be even */ /* Function prototypes */ void ...
[4 replies] Last: @AMD0001, Take a look on how to ask the question: http://www.cplus... (by chicofeo)
Explain Modulo
Hey guys, I am tying to break this piece of code with no luck. This code is part of a program that reads from a file. int num_elements = num_lines%5>0 ? num_...
[2 replies] Last: @xismm Thank you! You've helped me out a lot! (by Pollycode)
by Madjid
need help to create this program.
A number of points defined in a plane by means of their coordinates Xi and Yi, the number of points and their coordinates are input from a text file with the f...
[2 replies] Last: This may help you on how to ask questions. This is not a free homework... (by chicofeo)
Changing variables from functions
I am making a simple text-based rpg game. I made a lot of it before i knew about functions, so now i am organizing it into some. I put the weapon shop into its ...
[2 replies] Last: Cool, that works, thanks for the reply! (by Retrogue1)
I am new to programming and am currently in college taking a C++ course. We have been going over pointers and I feel confused with them and what they are used f...
[2 replies] Last: I see where you're coming from. I didn't understand them much when I ... (by JayhawkZombie)
selection sort in array sorts correctly except for first 2 values
So i am in my first programming class, i am writing a program that brings in data values from a text file, stores it in an array of size 100, then performs acti...
[1 reply] : The comparison/swap is incorrect. I'm not sure why you have a "best" ... (by kbw)
Simple while loop doesn't end..
why does this not end... It should end when either one of the values becomes 19 or above.. typedef std::pair<int,int> coordinate; coordinate endpoint...
[15 replies] Last: If you just want the matrix cell that is at a certain polar coordinate... (by helios)
Need help finishing main function + questions
Hello. I have problem understanding task given in school. It's OOP in C++. It's task is simple. It contains static array of numbers. User can input max three n...
[2 replies] Last: Thank You, dhayden. I pretty much understood all what You wrote and I ... (by MatthewThunder)
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