Beginners - December 2015 (Page 2)

by SCB3
Struggling with pointers
I am trying to move a player down a linked list after they've made their choice of going left or right after storing the data in the .data portion(as dictated b...
[3 replies] Last: So Left and Right are to signify the players next move (for example, i... (by SCB3)
Base-10 to Base-2 Conversion
I want this Program to convert any base-10 number into binary number. #include<iostream> using namespace std; typedef struct Node { int info; Node *nex...
[2 replies] Last: A linked list seems like overkill for this problem. This can be solved... (by AbstractionAnon)
Tic Tac Toe Game
I know how often Tic Tac Toe games are posted here, so I apologize. But, I have my game working to full capacity, except that it does not end the game. Even a...
[5 replies] Last: I figured it out! In the for loop, checkWin == ' ' should be checkWi... (by compnewberprogrammer)
Accessing List inside Vector
This code compiles but I wanna make sure the list is stored in the vector. How would I be able to print out the list from the vector? int main() { ...
[5 replies] Last: Did you get any compilation errors? Runtime errors? (by Zhuge)
How to check if 2d vector is empty
How do I check if all the "sub-vectors"(what is the correct term?) are empty? if(???)error("Error : No values"); Excerpt of program : vector< vector<int> ...
[3 replies] Last: // #include <ios... (by cire)
How do I shorten this tic tac toe program? (Program works perfect)
How do I shorten this program? This is a double player tic tac toe. Though it works perfect, Im afraid its too long What am I doing wrong? I am going to add ...
[8 replies] Last: I cant thank you enough, dhayden (by ephraimr)
Project Review - Electricity Bill Calculating System
Hi Guys, This is a Project on A topic which I chose. I Kindly invite your suggestions and Positive feedback on this Project ! #include <f...
[5 replies] Last: i hope i can learn from you ,how to harass any one who is new to c++.... (by AbstractionAnon)
Basic banking program with header files
Hi all, For my programming class I must create a simple banking program with a DB in Array. I've got all that working great. But I'm stuck at one of the poin...
[8 replies] Last: Thank you everyone for helping :) Solved it myself. main.cpp #includ... (by hybrid87)
What is "understanding" C++?
Hello fellow Programmers! I have recently gotten into C++ and it is my second Programming Language. I have started with C and tiny experiences with html and ...
[2 replies] Last: I have completed the Tutorial on [...] Are there any mo... (by Cubbi)
Tutorial good for learning?
So after getting some free time, I decided to try and revive my forgotten C++ knowledge. I also tried searching for helpful videos on how to use C++, but all of...
[7 replies] Last: I'm not saying that these books can be found for free. (by TarikNeaj)
how to color in object in c++ openGL
Hi, how can i put a color for my object in openGL this is my code, can someone please tell me where i made mistake i almost tried every thing i could...
[2 replies] Last: isnt line 23 should be "red" and not "reed" No it should be reed. H... (by TarikNeaj)
First programming language
Hi, I am dead set on learning programming and I heard C++ is a very common language, so I started learning the basics. But, I was told that C++ is very difficu...
[1 reply] : > I was told that C++ is very difficult in the mid-late end, so I shou... (by JLBorges)
Inheritance Help w/ Static Protected Int in Class
Read comments below. I am trying to learn and understand inheritance & polymorphism. //Polymorphism practice - create quick polymorphic class with 'break-...
[1 reply] : check this out. (by Bdanielz)
Should i use {} over =?
Somebody have asked this question before:
[1 reply] : Four ways to initialization. X t1 = v; // copy initialization possi... (by Bdanielz)
by Albos
Help me with vectors please
Guys, it's me again, the newbie, I just started working with vectors and kind of have no idea how to deal with them :@ I need to create a vector which has n m...
[5 replies] Last: already changed it to int main ;) thanks (by Albos)
by Albos
How to form a vector with only the negative numbers from another vector with mixed numbers
Hey guys, I just started a week ago using C++. And I need your help to do my homework, so please be gentle with me. Anyway, I looked for answers in this forum ...
[5 replies] Last: got it, thanks ;) (by Albos)
Contact book
Hello! I'm very new to programming and need some help with my code. I'm working on a contact book where you can add contacts, remove contacts and search for a ...
[3 replies] Last: should i make them all empty? No. That would force the use of glob... (by AbstractionAnon)
by alitt
Question Mark
hi i'm gonna using question mark for comparing several numbers like this: a>b?a:b; #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ int num ; int i; ...
[7 replies] Last: Line 11: You're now storing the result of the expression (com), but y... (by AbstractionAnon)
problem with pointers
#include<iostream> using namespace std; void update(int *p,int *q) { *p=(*p)+(*q); *q=(*p)-(*q); } int main() { int a, b; cin>>a; ...
[3 replies] Last: Since you want the value of p before you change it, you're going to ha... (by AbstractionAnon)
by gm17
Undefined reference to function
hi,i try to send an array to a function but i got some error messages like 222.cpp:(.text+0x2b): undefined reference to `function(int, int*)' C:\Users\***\De...
[4 replies] Last: Small form of program or not, it's completely wrong. void fuction(in... (by TarikNeaj)
December 2015 Pages: 1234... 43
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