by Abdul Qayoom
Need dev c++ example
[2 replies] Last: (by JayhawkZombie)
by kkl19880913
Question about Dynamic Memory Allocation
[2 replies] Last: You're also using mismatched new and delete operators. Kind of. Except... (by Moschops)
by PapaSmurf
Unable to compare values
[1 reply] : What is a Player? You're probably going to need to show more content... (by jlb)
by noodel
for loop and if statement
[3 replies] Last: Inside or outside the loop? If all you care about is the number of ... (by andywestken)
by Money13818
Help!!!! SomeOne?
[5 replies] Last: Since you need it by Monday, that's considered a emergency service, a... (by FighterCoder)
by ibrahimha7
i need explain
[2 replies] Last: no, the code give us to explain ,, I understand all ,but the Z I don't... (by ibrahimha7)
by mpark4656
Please check my Mode Program
[2 replies] Last: This is how it would work for data set of doubles between 0 and 1 Let... (by mpark4656)
by iiifaris80
please help me
[3 replies] Last: I did this cod and i don’t know how to complete it to calculate the ... (by iiifaris80)
by dana18
convert txt to csv
[1 reply] : This is essentially replacing every ; with a , https://stackoverf... (by Moschops)
by ohad
happy hanuka
[2 replies] Last: It works fine.. but ends with a break. Its not close normally from som... (by ohad)
by NewProgramma
Please help interpret this question.
[3 replies] Last: I would love to see your code when you are done. Also so much for goi... (by MarketAnarchist)
by TheLoneWolf
Including files.
[3 replies] Last: Thanks guys! For the record, I'm using Deuter IDE on Android, since my... (by TheLoneWolf)
by GTHell
Can I learn two languages at the same time?
[7 replies] Last: No, no, I never think that HTML help me with C++. I just want to know ... (by GTHell)
by zacklucky
fibonacci numbers
[no replies]
by C0D3FR3AK
Help with reading from txt file
[17 replies] Last: Found what the issue was. I didn't save the file name under ".txt" and... (by C0D3FR3AK)
finding sum of 2-d array |
[5 replies] Last: kind of... So, here's your array. It's a different size than yours, ... (by JayhawkZombie)
by tayyabawahab
program to display most repetitive alphabate
[1 reply] : In your example, H L and E are appear twice. Is that what your trying... (by SamuelAdams)
by galaxylfc
guessing game
[8 replies] Last: That is exactly what I am working on now haha! (by galaxylfc)
by rabster
Question on unions
[2 replies] Last: I don't have much background, but what you're talking about appears to... (by keanedawg)
by srah
Why is this not working?
[5 replies] Last: @Peter87 Yeah. But I was basing the 50 on what the OP shows in their ... (by whitenite1)