Beginners - December 2015 (Page 16)

Struct help
I am having several issues with my program It's giving me syntax errors. Can someone shed light as to why this is? I'm fairly new to this so sorry if I'm not di...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you so much for this. I was trying to figure it out. Yeah It mak... (by underoathed)
by yje123
student data Tom Railsback 102390 Engineering Junior Dick Chase 031294 Biology Senior Anne White 052493 Computer Sophomore Terry Hall 062194 Phyics Freshm...
[1 reply] : Use code tags please. (by tallyman)
Need Help ASAP!
Okay, so I suck. I can do most of the basic stuff with math in basic C++, but cannot seem to be able ti figure this out. I just cant get my head around it and I...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you so much, both of you! I truly appreciate it! I am trying to ... (by Promised1)
Loading variables from file
Something seems wrong with this code, the save function is alright and it saves the variables as it should but it doesen´nt load. void load(vector<Kon...
[6 replies] Last: Now I got it. It depended on this string I tried to store. innehavar... (by patriic48)
Execute other language from C++
Dear C++ community; Would it be possible to execute another language from cPlusPlus, for example a python-script? Thanks anyway!
[3 replies] Last: Trivially, you can simply make a system call to execute a Python scrip... (by MikeyBoy)
by Zorac
Help with printing out a vector, and more.
Hey! I am trying to write a program that will sort the words in a text after how many times it appears. I am currently having a lot of trouble with it. So far ...
[2 replies] Last: Here is a slightly different example: #include <iostream> #include <... (by Thomas1965)
drawing isoscele triangle
I have a problem, I have to draw a isoscele triangle inside a 2D array of any size n rows, m colums, that would fill the array completly, the peak of the triang...
[2 replies] Last: well can you explain ? I want to calculate all the points of the slope... (by closed account E3h7X9L8)
Of Files and Algorithms
Good people of C++ forums I'm writing an advanced calculator this time. It does 2D area, surface area, lateral and curved surface area, pythagoras, and volumes....
[2 replies] Last: Before you even start putting "stuff" in other files you should fully ... (by Cybie)
by brad97
Did I Code This Correctly?
I am trying to write a program that declares an array (alpha) of 50 components of type double. The first 25 components should be equal to the square of the inde...
[7 replies] Last: Oops did not look to carefully lol had some mistakes anyways The for ... (by Cybie)
by Tudor
Compare Strings, Strncmp error!?
Hy! In "instr.txt" i have: mov ax,03 add ax,05 I read lines from file in separate strings, and i want to compare each first 3 characters from each strings...
[2 replies] Last: Thaks a lot jlb . (by Tudor)
Help with function
Hi im trying to output a Christmas tree when the user inputs the size of the tree. However my program only prints half of the tree like this: Enter the size ...
[4 replies] Last: Yes it should look like that however it only displays half of the tree... (by TicTacTiger)
need some help with my problem over here! our teacher give us a task that we will do a program that prints 1st message: Merry Christmas 2nd message: Happy New...
[5 replies] Last: Example code of @Chervil's implementation could be something like this... (by Shadowwolf)
Numbers to words (0 to 1million) using only iostream and basic functions
I've found numerous threads on here with this question, but none that use only simple operators (if else, while, for, switch and functions). I am taking C++ in...
[5 replies] Last: You need to reset at the beginning of you loop, before you check the n... (by tallyman)
Writing my own game engine.
Hey guys December 13 has been a very bad day for me. I just lost a friend to the Unity vs. Unreal debate. I had enough of this! I want to make my own game engin...
[12 replies] Last: @JayhawkZombie Thanks for the top up! It seems that DX is the way to g... (by TheLoneWolf)
by MouinK
[2 replies] Last: Your code is reading the students' marks just fine. Since you aren't ... (by dhayden)
by Zorac
Please explain the void function to me.
So i just recently learned about functions (very new to programming) and after reading the section in the tutorial on this site about void functions i got a bit...
[6 replies] Last: So today i got help from one of my teachers explaining parameters for ... (by Zorac)
lucky ticket with if and for loop
Hey, I need to do this task: Ticket has six numbers. ticket is lucky, if the sum of 3 first of it's numbers is equal to sum of its last three numbers. You are g...
[4 replies] Last: In line 12 I make the sum of first three numbers No, you work on th... (by Moschops)
writing BST to file
Hello I have a complete code for creating binary search tree and prints out the numbers in the right order i just want to know how can i make the program write...
[1 reply] : So if you want to print data to a file data >> outPutFile; The only... (by SamuelAdams)
Question about Array values.
Hello everyone, I have some questions about the difference between the value of an array, and the array itself. eg: //This code will assign the value of [el...
[2 replies] Last: ohh i see, I got it now. I was writing a program with array, and I m... (by newbgrammer)
Sorry this is so long but I'm really stuck. Some parts of my code are not working and I don't know why. The first, second, and third parts are correct but I'm h...
[8 replies] Last: If my code was working, I wouldn't have posted it and asked for help. ... (by Sara Ryder)
December 2015 Pages: 1... 1415161718... 43
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