by leardfazliu
Non printing/printable characters
[4 replies] Last: You can use many libraries. SFML, SDL, Allegro etc etc. All these have... (by TarikNeaj)
by hdyh
binary search tree proble. help !!
[5 replies] Last: Please post your modified code (by dhayden)
by GibsRey
How to make this simple?
[6 replies] Last: @GibsRey. Look into what @BDanielz wrote to you. Learn about classes... (by GibsRey)
by Gulogomi
Don't know how to get started
[4 replies] Last: Thanks everyone for the great answers. I'd appreciate it :) (by Gulogomi)
by mpark4656
Good C++ Book Recommendation
[2 replies] Last: JLBorges, thank you! (by mpark4656)
by mpark4656
How would you utilize Enumeration?
[6 replies] Last: @TarikNeaj Thanks for the video. It makes sense. @koothkeeper I trie... (by mpark4656)
Too many functions, too many arguments, how to simplify? |
[9 replies] Last: From output: Syntax error. Syntax is: corrupt <ifile> <ofile> <strt>... (by RealGiganitris)
by jgg2002
Facing trouble with maps.
[5 replies] Last: It's actually simpler that I initially thought. Thanks for the help gu... (by jgg2002)
by previeaux
I need help with a checkers C++ program, I'm not sure what's wrong.
[7 replies] Last: I'm getting an error once I type the x and y coordinates for the piec... (by cire)
by Student555
Question concerning vector of pointers
[12 replies] Last: That's clear Anon. Thanks for the help everyone. (by Student555)
by Perpiris
Ifstream and ofstream mixup
[5 replies] Last: Admin(string str) { istringstream issin(str); string split ; i... (by Perpiris)
by ahmmkh
passing unlimited arguments
[7 replies] Last: actually i want them the same type (by ahmmkh)
by Arshh
Please explain the output received.
[7 replies] Last: Thank you everyone and Shadowwolf for explaining me and giving me the ... (by Arshh)
by alitt
problem with array
[2 replies] Last: Easier and faster way to do this: #include<iostream> #include<algor... (by jgg2002)
by Elementalist
Contacts book without using struct or class
[1 reply] : You use functions inside your main file for the input removing and sea... (by TarikNeaj)
by Albos
Why does it work with if(A[i]>4) but not with if (A[i]<0)
[10 replies] Last: You've experienced the reason why goto and labels are a bad idea: it's... (by dhayden)
by Harutyun
Where to learn professional C++?
[1 reply] : No book, video or website will teach you everything. For java you coul... (by Thomas1965)
need help with if else loop |
[11 replies] Last: Having the if, else/if blocks gives you three choices. if "LeBron,"... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by jeffschlund
Please help, i dont know what is wrong with my code (infinite loop)
[2 replies] Last: thank you, so much, i cant believe it was that simple, i tried so many... (by jeffschlund)
by Kfp
Need Help for a pick game
[15 replies] Last: Yes I did. Horizontally, when the cursor move out of the bound, it wil... (by Kfp)