Beginners - December 2014 (Page 55)

need some quick help
i was wondering how to use "quotation marks" in quotation marks? like if i want to say. cout << "test "this is in quotation marks" test"; ...
[2 replies] Last: thanks that works :) (by qwerty7899)
by jalla
C++ Queue program, enqueue and dequeue must be in given order
Write a class that implements queue. Queue should store string value. The value to be put on the queue are: I like orange an better than an sauce a...
[no replies]
Converting between vector types..
Suppose I want to put the elements of a vector<char> CharVec into a vector<myObjectss> MyVectorofObjects ? I can't find any good examples when it comes t...
[1 reply] : The only way that would work is if you can implicitly convert from cha... (by giblit)
by harrie
my loop is not repeating correctly.
for loop
[3 replies] Last: No, (s)he asked a question, got an answer and then (s)he edited the po... (by giblit)
December 2014 Pages: 1... 535455
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