Beginners - December 2014 (Page 52)

C++ SDL 2.0.3 Very Basic Help STUMPED
Hello. As of recent, I am very very frustrated with SDL2. Out of options here, so looking from some help from someone knowledgeable. I'm trying to get this darn...
[1 reply] : As I had a feeling, it was some problem with Windows or Windows 8.1 ju... (by spark1313)
understanding template use
Currently I have three functions that individually add int+int, double+double/double+double/int+int, and a fucntion that concatenates strings. Is there a way i...
[5 replies] Last: Our instructor has decided against using C++11 (I find it odd) ... tha... (by hungrymouth)
Learn/code C/C++ on iOS
Hey folks. I'd like to announce CppCode - offline C/C++ IDE & Compiler that runs on iOS. Features: * works on iPhones and iPads * compile C/C++ code of...
[no replies]
Time stamp from text file
Hello everyone and thank you for your time. I recently have been trying to create a C++ program that can pull a information from a text file. The information be...
[13 replies] Last: Bingo, it works now. Appreciate it you two for your help. :D (by stoneybologna)
by mrob82
Newbie here!
Hello everyone, I am new to the coding world, taking an entry level C++ class. Trying to figure out an assignment, and at this point I am basically banging my ...
[5 replies] Last: Hi mrob82, this code compares the number at the time the person puts ... (by MRangel)
Classes help please
Hello, i am working on something for school and have this much set up so far. I have completed the code to find the perimeter of the triangle using a class. Whe...
[3 replies] Last: thanks for the help guys. that fixed it Ganado thank you very much. th... (by woodbecker18)
I'm trying to display a two-dimensional string array and only receive a weird string of letters and numbers?
So this is the table I am making #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { string tables = ...
[4 replies] Last: Ahhhh!!!!!!! thank you everyone I understand what I did wrong and can ... (by steamengines)
by Myna
Generate random number using array
I am new to C++ and I need help writing a code that show an array of 10 numbers and it need to generate 10 random numbers from 1 to 100. Below is what i have so...
[4 replies] Last: Can anyone do the simplest form because i still never learn about std:... (by Myna)
Help with defining function problem!
I need help with defining a function problem for my online assignment. The assignment was due weeks before, I just need the answer so I can help study for my up...
[4 replies] Last: I have specific questions on how exactly to figure this function out. (by BoomWrx)
ATM program problem
Hi, I'm supposed to make a program that mimics an atm. In one part of the program, (if you enter you'd like to withdraw cash) you select to withdraw from che...
[5 replies] Last: Another error I found: if an invalid choice is selected, it displays t... (by PATBALM)
input files: with multiple data types
while attempting to write a mock database management program. i can not figure out how to sort a .dat file with multiple data types. i can not find anything on ...
[no replies]
SDL error with - cstdlib library
So i'm working on a snake game for my final projected for school and having a little trouble i'm used net-beans all year and bc im doing a SDL net-bean does not...
[5 replies] Last: it worked thanks for the help @LB (by freecody24)
Dynamically allocating arrays questions
Why is this program only printing out 3s instead of 1 2 3? I was to create an array without knowing the initial size and i thought i did that but i can't seem ...
[no replies]
case change function is not working.
Im trying to reverse the case of each individual element in the array. The problem may be in the case changing function but I included main just in case. I keep...
[no replies]
Checkerboard Game
hi, im having trouble with my checkerboard game. i need it to work for 2 players and vs computer. i need to use parameters. #include <iostream> #include...
[1 reply] : These functions don't know what board is since it isn't passed to th... (by wildblue)
by bender
Help with Exception Error
I have a program that completely works on one computer but when I attempted opened it on another computer I got the following message: Unhandled exception a...
[1 reply] : We can't tell you how to fix your crashed car unless you let us see wh... (by LB)
value return function
How do you write a write a value return function computes the average of four scores and returns the average? That score must then be sent to a function to dete...
[5 replies] Last: It's not as simple, but it is still very simple. Just multiply eac... (by LB)
Looking for a simple
My problem seems very simple - I have a string (a word), and I am supposed to copy all characters prior to the first vowel and paste them at the end of the word...
[3 replies] Last: Merged a couple of ideas and worked.. thanks for the answers:) (by alelagi)
by Auni38
How to make a basic save and load function?
Well, I have one heck of a problem here. I'm making this simple game (code of the game not included) where one manages a colony in space. I've planned to includ...
[1 reply] : Sounds like you might want to save data to a text file and then read t... (by wildblue)
Problem with functions
I'm creating a program that converts Fahrenheit to Celsius using multiple functions. This is a project for class so I do have to use the functions. I have it al...
[2 replies] Last: I had a typo in the formula there, its 9/5 not 5/9 And ah thanks for ... (by football52)
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