Beginners - December 2014 (Page 51)

Make repeat
How do i make my program repeat and ask the user if they want to calculate new grades? Also, how do i get rid of the error 'double' to 'char', possible loss of ...
[1 reply] : Use a Do/While Loop. If you can code all of that, you should hopefully... (by kdog436089)
Coding for a Task Manager
I have to code for a task manager that stores a task description, due date, and duration(in minutes) of the task into an array. The guidelines are that i have t...
[3 replies] Last: The "Preview"-button does show you how others will be presented your t... (by tcs)
Errors for passed parameters for functions in struct/class
The confusion I'm having is the Main function calls, I added the prototypes to put it all in context... No matter what I do, the compile keeps finding issues...
[3 replies] Last: float Calc_GPA(int Examgrade , int Labgrade , Student Compstud ) { in... (by JoJodoggy1)
Functions and Structures Inventory Program
I am writing a program that reads a file that has inventory on it then the user selects the inventory and quantity they want and program should print out a nice...
[2 replies] Last: The program function should ask for the product the user wants and it'... (by IAMAFOOTBALLER)
Searching through text
For my class, I am asked to create a program that accepts text from the user. After the user inputs the text, the program is to search through it to find a cert...
[1 reply] : Have a look a Reference. There you'll find a lot of exam... (by tcs)
Adding adjacent integers in a vector
I have written a code to do it I want to make the code more efficient and preferably shorter and also able to handle odd vectors. Here is the code(Not includin...
[no replies]
by davtk8
Insuring a driver
I'm having an issue with my declared function. My assignment is: Write a program that can be used by an insurance company to indicate whether or not they ar...
[3 replies] Last: After modifying my sub-routines and fiddling with my if statements I g... (by davtk8)
by jbbmls
Random Number
//generate a random number between 1 & 100 that asks the user to guess what the number is // if user's guess is higher than random number display "too high, tr...
[3 replies] Last: Hint: Your probably going to have to use the srand() and rand() functi... (by CS Student)
Deleting element from array
Hello I've got a question, how can I delete an element from an array? I've already done research but delete ... didn't seem to work. This is a small 'ps...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks a lot guys! Worked awesome! (by Nielyboyken)
by Nitup
Sometimes getting segmentation fault
I so confused about SEGFAULT in my program. I am trying to implement scanf. So I am passing const char as the first parameter, than parse it for % entries and t...
[7 replies] Last: It seems that the problem was just in internal terminal that just exit... (by Nitup)
by HG319
Using 2d dynamic array to read in file
This is my first project using a 2-d dynamic array where we have to read the file into the array and I am having trouble with it. We have to us dynamic arrays...
[no replies]
by Myna
Please help me with string.
I need to make a string program that would determine if a string has all unique character. So when i enter any sentence, it will decided if there are any repeat...
[1 reply] : bool isUnique(string); please don't declare a function in main or ... (by closed account SECMoG1T)
Question about parallel arrays not matching up in output
I'm working on an assignment for class - I created a program that allows the user to enter data from an election and it will tell you the percent of votes each ...
[3 replies] Last: Wow I feel like an idiot! Anyway thank you so much! I got it working ... (by uglywiggler)
array comparison help
if i store file1 into an array of size 10(right answers) and file2(answers of students) into an array of 20, how can i compare the rest of file2 after the first...
[3 replies] Last: I think you should check students against the right ones. So you shoul... (by tcs)
Revers order of bytes unsigned char array :?
hi, i need fastest method to revers order of bytes in my char array. for example i have: unsigned char buf ; // consider data stored in buf is 88 ...
[10 replies] Last: The results are by using buf_ok array and assignments as mentioned in ... (by newcslover)
by gmac
converts name to pig latin (1,2)
I need some help, not sure what to do? Advice? Im not asking anyone to do this, I just wanted help on how to start it, that is all! Thanks Write a program...
[20 replies] Last: Please, explain your FirstVowel(). (by keskiverto)
Validation, and Upper case problems.
Wrote a program that will convert ROMAN nums into integers and integers into Roman nums. The problems that I'm having is on how to make it so that the program ...
[2 replies] Last: input = toupper(convert ); hmm... you can try using transform(word... (by rjvc)
by goldyn
String Largest Smallest
Having trouble figuring out how to pull the largest and smallest from my string. This is the code set-up I want with two functions and I got myself very confuse...
[2 replies] Last: void findSmallest(string text) { char smallestNum; for(int... (by fabtasticwill)
by kali17
calculating an expression
Hello, I need help to make it less messy but also make it work. It was suppose to evaluate an arithmetic expression without conversion to postfix. Ps: I'm a b...
[1 reply] : int num1; int num2; char op; none of these in compute... (by mutexe)
SDL event.type?
this is my first time working with SDL and code::blocks my teacher gave us a website, the problem i am ha...
[1 reply] : Not sure if that's your real code because you can't have if statements... (by Peter87)
December 2014 Pages: 1... 4950515253... 55
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