Beginners - December 2014 (Page 50)

Queue using linked list small problem
Hello there! I am implementing a Queue using linked list, my code was working perfectly until I made a copyQueue() function that copies queue from one queue to...
[2 replies] Last: makeEmpty() needs to set rear=NULL; . Shouldn't Dequeue() return the... (by dhayden)
help with homework please!
Alright, so I am in a college c++ class. I am not very good with coding.. we have a question on the following homework assignment.. Student No. Exam -1 ...
[1 reply] : That's pretty good so far! Here's a quick primer on for loops: for (... (by dhayden)
by bender
Type Conversion in Overloaded Operator
Can someone please tell me another way to convert string to int in this segment of code? This way gives me an error. Just looking for another way to do this ...
[no replies]
Pointing to first character in a string using an if statment
I'm attempting to accept a users input for their date of birth in the format of MMDDYYYY as a string, then using an if statement to evaluate the string for a le...
[1 reply] : Line 20 if(patientDOB = '0')//you assigned a '0' to the first cha... (by closed account SECMoG1T)
Work with file
This is my 1 post on your forum and I hope that is not the last, if you find errors in my speech, I'm sorry. I study in a foreign university, given homework,...
[2 replies] Last: I have to hand over homework, but I do not know how to do it.So I wrot... (by Arthurking4ever)
My program runs correctly except after it outputs the balances entered it also gives me some weird numbers following...for ex: 5.28287e-308 (where are these num...
[2 replies] Last: MRangel is right. Line 24 should be: for (int i=0; i<5; i=i+1) { c... (by sunzhen11314)
by Setzer
Segmentation Fault
So, for part of our final, we have to achieve a linked list of classes. I am receiving a segmentation fault in part of my program. Essentially, this is the she...
[3 replies] Last: WEAPONLIST.CPP:28..37 : // PRE: (start != NULL) && (start->weaponNa... (by tcs)
using function inside switch statment in c
hey. i don't know why that when i call my function inside the switch statement nothing happened , I don't know where exactly the error, im talking about the fun...
[3 replies] Last: any Ideas? (by juvelover)
cant close a file
for some reason it wont let me close my file dues anyone know why? #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; int...
[2 replies] Last: o wow i feel dumb thanks (by qwerty7899)
How to get random numbers without seeding in main?
is there a way to do this? calling srand in anything but main seems to not get any results
[8 replies] Last: > How to get random numbers without seeding in main? #include <rando... (by JLBorges)
my sick unique
Hi ... am getting a weird error in my function here and I just can't get around it, I will appreciate your help. bool myuniq(const string& s) { ...
[6 replies] Last: Now I get it element between the new logical end and the physical en... (by closed account SECMoG1T)
by bender
Run-time check failure # 0 help
Does anyone know what causes this error or how to fix it?
[no replies]
checking index vector if = to null
how to check if a specific index equal to null when i try to implement it, it gives an error for example: vector < vector <int> > v; v .push_back(0); v...
[5 replies] Last: > Well, how can an int be NULL? NULL can be an int . In C++98, NU... (by JLBorges)
What could possibly be wrong here?
My code runs, but is not calculating the average correctly. It is returning 15.0333, when it should be 15.1... #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> usin...
[1 reply] : Some hints (which may be out of your questions scope): Line 14, 20 :... (by tcs)
Understanding how to use arrays
Im working on an assignment where Im reading arrays of data where sets of 3 characters will be translated to one. I essentially need to check a triplet of chara...
[1 reply] : If the data source is of type std::string then you may find some inter... (by tcs)
New to C++
So I'm studying for C++ and I need help with functions. I do not understand the general idea of it. What do they do, if it can be said in the simplest way po...
[2 replies] Last: So a function is a group of statements that you name, so that you can ... (by DEnumber50)
checkerboard game 1
how do i add "*" for the blank spaces? How do i change the color of either r or b? also having trouble on the logic part. #include <iostream> #include ...
[no replies]
making the program user friendly
my problem is on how to make a GUI program using C++. and how to manipulate the graphics. I really need help please. thanks
[8 replies] Last: thanks, I will do just that. (by Abulkhair)
C++ file output acting weird
So I'm working on an assignment and I cannot figure out how to make it print from my functions. Everything else seems to be working just fine I just cannot get ...
[1 reply] : Line 13 : Why do you open infile ? You never uses it. Line 51 : Yo... (by tcs)
i sufffer !
i have a problem i study c ++ at the faculty of computer science ain shams universty at egypt and i take 4 hours lecture and only 1 hour lab practice i mean so ...
[1 reply] : books: All t... (by JLBorges)
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