Beginners - December 2014 (Page 49)

simple calculator via loop
//calculor.cpp //divide two number and find their quotient and remainder #include<iostream> using namespace std; void main() { long dividend,divisor; char ch;...
[1 reply] : Is this a question? Main should have a type int, and return an int. Ma... (by Hashirama senju)
How do I point a Node to an Object?
I have a line in my code that looks like this current->obj = newObj; Unhandled exception at 0x003DE780 in lab5.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation r...
[1 reply] : current is null pointer at the moment, so you cannot dereference it.... (by MiiNiPaa)
by xenixl
How to change interval [a,b] to (a,b]
How to change interval [a,b] to (a,b]? Please,help me modificate this code to (a,b] #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a, b; cou...
[1 reply] : The only difference between [a,b] and (a,b] is that a is not included ... (by Peter87)
How to reverse a queue?
How can I write a reverse function using enqueue and dequeue? template <class T> void Dynque<T>::enqueue(T num) { QueueNode *newNode; newNode = ne...
[1 reply] : template <typename T> void reverse(Dynque<T> queue) { std::stack<... (by MiiNiPaa)
Counting occurances of numbers and letters
Hello everyone. I'm trying to create a program with 2 functions that will take the characters within a string and output the occurances of letters and numbers w...
[4 replies] Last: Try this: class Count { char buffer ; //Maximum character... (by coder777)
Parallel arrays- count occurrence of input numbers
I'm working on another code. I'm trying to create a program that when you enter a set number of test scores, it will sort them and display them in descending or...
[4 replies] Last: The indentation of your code could be more intuitive: // what is the ... (by keskiverto)
find and printing the smallest element and highest even number in an array
Write your question here. Hello Guys! I've been working on a program that will allow one to enter 10 elements. Upon those entry's then calculate the combined...
[1 reply] : Please use code tags , it makes it easier to read your code (by closed account SECMoG1T)
How do I split a string into an array by spaces?
My program requires that I can split any random string (sentence) into vector of strings by white space. So if I have the string: "I like to code" Then my...
[1 reply] : Using a string stream: #include <iostream> #include <string> #includ... (by JLBorges)
Passing by reference?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. In this program when a student receives a low score or high score, a message needs to be printed. However, I cannot see...
[2 replies] Last: I also get error when I change it to string Comments(Student_Data &... (by shareyourjoy)
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
can sameone help to know why when I insert the first and last and phone number my code dumped ////////////////////////////// myRolodex Command: I Enter card:...
[1 reply] : Hi the problem could be here void insertCard(card *newCard) { ... (by closed account SECMoG1T)
Nested Loops
Good evening good people! I need an example of a nested loop or modulus in this order 1-3-5-3-1 using stars in a diamond shape. thank you so much!
[4 replies] Last: we dont do others assignment. sorry. can you show us the youve done s... (by xenovia12)
Multiple functions taking input from two arrays
I am trying to write a program that takes the values from two arrays to display several different things. This is the what the lab asks for. Video Game Play...
[4 replies] Last: Got the code working. Going to display it in case it can help someone ... (by Endymion)
Call to Destructor Function
Write your question here. Why is the Destructor called between "mediumBox is smaller than bigBox" and "thatBox is equal to mediumBox"? Constructor call...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you Peter87. The error I made is that the CBox object should ... (by phztfte1)
array initialization
I try to initialize an array with the max size of 100. Point points ; so I did: points = new Point ; but Xcode keeps telling me that array type ...
[1 reply] : If I had to take a guess it's probably because you're using the new op... (by deathslice)
class/ strings/ cin errors Help please :^)
I'm having a few errors when I try to run my program that I'm not quite sure mean or how to fix it. Here's a screen shoot of the errors
[2 replies] Last: I've fixed the cin/ getline error can anyone tell me what these errors... (by darkstar0402)
by sblair
Trying to write a program that opens a file
I missed class on the day we learned this and I can't seem to figure out how to do this... I read my textbook over and over! please help! Write a C++ progr...
[no replies]
Searching an array in C++
For my class, I am asked to create a program that accepts text from the user. After the user inputs the text, the program is to search through it to find a cert...
[3 replies] Last: an array of what? strings, chars? should only need one string variabl... (by aarnold404)
Pointer on String
this program will be output 'Street N0.5'. How to make the output become 'Sesame No.5'? please help #include<stdio.h> int main() { char name = "D...
[3 replies] Last: thankss (by feehily)
Help Me Please, Data Structure Binary Tree
i had a homework to make c++ program that input n integer numbers using data structure Binary Tree. please..
[no replies]
by bender
Error Help
Is there a reason this gets an error? run-time check failure #0 - the value of ESP was not properly saved across a function call. This is usually a result of...
[1 reply] : Can you post your code so I can see what part of your code is causing ... (by deathslice)
December 2014 Pages: 1... 4748495051... 55
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