Beginners - December 2014 (Page 47)

by JK5751
Unrecognized Error
I'm not sure I understand this error message for line 38 of my code. #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; void initializ...
[1 reply] : On line 38, you wrote cout instead of count - in other words, you ... (by LB)
ICAO Array
[3 replies] Last: solved (by stoneybologna)
Class object help!
I have an assignment where I have to create a template class, create 2 objects one which takes 10 integers and sorts them, and the other which takes 10 strings ...
[5 replies] Last: Once again, thank you very much Shadow. I have to revise the section ... (by alex067)
Cannot get this for-loop to output to console.
Hello guys. I'm working my way through C++, and I'm trying out a very basic program where the console asks you to input a word (string), and then captures that ...
[2 replies] Last: Oh wow. Thank you. I actually already knew that about For Loops. (I co... (by Ravorne)
Help with loading a struct with data from a file...
Hello, forum goers. I'm currently trying to learn how to load up a struct array with data from a file. Unfortunately it seems that I have no idea how to do so. ...
[2 replies] Last: Okay, so, declaring the struct array like that was a pretty bad idea t... (by thawing)
what is a API in c++
I have been asked to design an API that allows the user to do this and do that in c++.. What exactly is an API. In c++ is an API a .header file? Are the methods...
[1 reply] : In c++ is an API a .header file? YES so is the public function in ... (by shadowCODE)
return first non zero value in array, replace with zero
Hey if I have an array is there any way to get a function to return the first non zero element then replace that element with a zero?
[6 replies] Last: got it thanks again (by MrBond90)
by Akigou
Alphabetical search / strncmp
My program is supposed to look through a library database by Author's last name, but what I have gives out no output every time I enter an author's name what a...
[1 reply] : Please explain lines 5 and 9. (by keskiverto)
help with arrays and functions program
I'm writing this program for a class, Im suppose to be passing arrays through functions. I've been staring at it for FAR too long and forget why I did some of t...
[no replies]
Worked only in console application, want to move on.
Hey guys, I'm relatively new to programming, would like to make a career out of it one day hopefully, 15 years old right now. The programming language that I ha...
[no replies]
C++ Pattern Matching position not working
Below is my code and everything is working but where it tells me the position of the word you are looking for. Any help is apperciated. #include <iostre...
[1 reply] : line 60, cout <<"Found at location %d\n", position + 1; are you writ... (by shadowCODE)
by HG319
2d array row search
I know how to find the largest number but I how do I find the largest number in each row in a 2d array and store it so I can add them together later on. This...
[3 replies] Last: Oh sorry. I personally dont indent like that coz i find it difficult t... (by shadowCODE)
Approach to converting Military time to standard time(hours and minute format)
I was thinking of a doing a simple program that converted military time to the standard time format and I wondering if anyone can give me an idea on how I shoul...
[18 replies] Last: Alright, I think understand it a little bit better now. (by deathslice)
by thefly
Counting number of exchanges made by Bubble Sort and Selection sort?
I'm sorting these arrays using a bubble sort and a selection sort, and the program should output the number of exchanges they each make. Right now it only ou...
[no replies]
Can't pass an array of string into a function using pointer.
I've written the following program..but it doesn't work. Why? #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; void print(string *ar ) { for(int ...
[1 reply] : Is this What you're looking for? #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include ... (by deathslice)
Storing Random Numbers in an Arrary
Hi, I'm new to learning c++, and I was wondering what would be the best way to store 10 random numbers to an array ranging from 1-100. My teacher did not rea...
[7 replies] Last: I have it so that the user inputs text, and the text is then stored in... (by GalenCasstevens)
by mariej
making a restaurant bill in c++
Hello there this is my first post, i'm a beginner in c++ I'm making a project about restaurant in c++ and i'm having a problem i want the customer to enter h...
[6 replies] Last: shadowCODE It worked but i wanted to understand how it worked thanks (by mariej)
Random Cannon Generator Game
I am in a computer science class this semester and for an assignment i have to create a program that will: randomly generate 2 cannon angles between 0 and 90...
[1 reply] : http://www.cplusplus.... (by shadowCODE)
by goldyn
String issues
I'm confused. I can't seem to get the largest and smallest numbers to output. What did I do wrong? ( I want to follow this format ) Thanks #include...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you so much! I see what I was doing wrong! (by goldyn)
Reading in a txt file with location data
Im trying to figure out how to read in ONLY the (latitude, longitude) coordinate portion of this txt file of size unkown: [check-in time] [location ...
[2 replies] Last: @andy1992 you are awesome. Thanks so much ! (by jaredchance)
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