Beginners - December 2014 (Page 42)

"Error: class not defined"
Hello! I am trying to learn C++ but I've hit a bit of a brick wall: I have no idea what is causing that error, I've tried everyt...
[4 replies] Last: why do I still need to #include <string> seperatly? Because you shoul... (by MiiNiPaa)
Help with understanding
There's this line of code that I don't understand: int a=0, b=2, c=4; if (a = c-b) cout<< b << endl; else cout<< c << endl; cout << (a == b-c); ...
[5 replies] Last: First, a isn't equal to c-b, so why would it cout b? You seemed to ... (by wildblue)
GNU GCC: "syntax error"
Hello, I am working on learning C++ so please forgive me if this is a silly error as I know very little currently. I am using GNU GCC on Linux and Code::Blocks....
[no replies]
Unsorted Array with functions erroring
Okay, I'm trying to figure out what's going wrong with this program. I thought I figured out the problem, but no it is not doing it. I've wracked my brain for t...
[7 replies] Last: If modify is going to return the location, the return type can't be vo... (by wildblue)
by vxk
position in statement
The following 2 statements are same right? const std::string& name() const; std::string const &name() const;
[1 reply] : Yes. they are same. (by MiiNiPaa)
by elch
HELP!! CHtmlView (vc 10) crahes on destroy
completlely desesperated, because I dont find the error. Need some advice. What I try: Derive a class on CHtmlview. and create a window with it on a dialog f...
[no replies]
Trouble With Chars
I have been having logic errors when trying to change a char from a number to an 'x' or 'o' (not number '0' but letter 'o'). Could anyone help with pointing out...
[7 replies] Last: Tnaks guys for helping and responding to my questions so quickly! Ill ... (by dodossssssssss)
Help understanding arrays.
How does a multidimensional array work? If I want to create a 2D array, does the computer view it? Does it view it as a straight line of characters, or does it ...
[1 reply] : Let's say you had an array named ArrayName. You then declare the size ... (by RandomPersonWorking)
Equation loads as a Pointer (Function)
Hi! I'm trying to load this program I wrote which includes switch-case menu, a function and an if else statement. When I run the program, it loads the menu perf...
[1 reply] : cout << fluidflow << endl; If you mean to print out the result of f... (by wildblue)
main fucntion
why we should use only integer or void for main function why we can't use double or float or other data type for main function i don't know and i did try but c...
[7 replies] Last: Thank u both of u ! and this conversation has removed everything . No... (by Muhammad Anim)
Efficiency issue
Hi av been workin on this program from yesterday and am having a couple of logical bugs and design fawls and i...
[6 replies] Last: It worked yeah, hurray! yeaaaa. i actually increased the count in main... (by closed account SECMoG1T)
Factorial Problem [Beginner]
Here's the problem: everything works FINE, until you type in 13 or more. Please explain it to me :/ Code is in here:
[5 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> long int factor( int num ); l... (by wscjr1)
by rayb20
class help
What is the c++ keyword to use for a class object to access itself? I can not think of it and searching for it hasn't brought up any results that were useful...
[1 reply] : do you mean this ? (by wildblue)
Loop makes switch's default option appear after any chosen case.
So I'm working on a c project. I had to make a loop that prompts the user to choose between 4 options. I chose the switch multi-way selection. Each option calls...
[no replies]
by joshco
function question?
I am looking at reviewing some code and confused as how the sample code works below without using "passing parameters by reference". Does anybody got an idea? ...
[7 replies] Last: The top code should have been: void duplicate (int a, int b, int c) {... (by joshco)
Sine Cosine Function
Programmers i need your help. Do you know how to code sine and cosine function without using cmath library or any other related libraries. Any response will be ...
[2 replies] Last: it's way too complicated. tnx anyway. it helped. (by newton123)
multiple occurrence issue
this is part of the program. i keep getting the same index position for numbers that occur more than once. i was wondering if the answer to my problem can be fo...
[12 replies] Last: how do i do this? any thoughts? (by LATCH100)
by wuubb
program skipping over user input?
G'day all, I am so close to finishing this program of games, but I'm running into some issues while debugging it. I've attached the google drive folder si...
[no replies]
C++ Hangman Game
hello, I am trying to write code that will accept either a single letter guess for a hangman game or a whole word guess. I think i need a function for th...
[2 replies] Last: yea that looks cool! thanks man (by ceps1195)
by pbfj22
File Input Help Please!
I need this program to be able to read a file with 3 items on a line, e.g. "ATLANTICCITY 10123 12343". I used "1" as a way to see if my program was loading the ...
[3 replies] Last: , I get 2 numbers with a space between. You got: empty string (i.e... (by MiiNiPaa)
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