Beginners - December 2014 (Page 40)

Word Ladder help (Conceptual)
Hello, I was asked to write a word ladder game (Not really a game, just the user input two words and the computer prints the word ladder) but I am having a ...
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Class Array sample
This simple code gives you the area of ten rectangles from the users entered info. Happy Coding! #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Rectangle...
[no replies]
Understanding Array
How is arr the same as *(arr+i)? Is it looking at the address of the array?
[4 replies] Last: Thank you so much for the replies. I guess I was mixing up between thi... (by Shipoopi)
FreeBSD c++ programming
Hi there fellows! I am absolutely new to programming and stuff. I've been said that it is worth the effort to lear how to use vi and program in linux systems, ...
[9 replies] Last: Yes! Thanks a lot anup30! I see it was a good plan to ask here, great ... (by robergto)
Segmentation Fault In a function
I'm creating a text based game for my project in Intro to C++. This game has 5 functions and I can't get the function, FirstPhase , to work. It's supposed to t...
[3 replies] Last: Nevermind, I see what you're saying. That did the trick, I just put a ... (by JonnyBro)
by rayb20
class implementation question
Okay so I feel like I almost have this correct but I just cannot get there. It is supposed to output a list with the number of occurences of each face and a his...
[1 reply] : ahistogram.h -------------- line 7: There is no reason for aHistog... (by AbstractionAnon)
by ebucna
decimal (1,2)
Hi all, in one part of the progtam I need to stop user from entering a number with more then 1 decimal place. So 1.1 is ok but 1.15 is not. I have no clue how t...
[26 replies] Last: thank you tcs, I work with all doubles (not with floats) now i just ha... (by ebucna)
Slow Compiling & Running in any environment
I am using NetBeans IDE 8.0.1 at the moment but tried also with Dev c++ and Codeblocks. When i compile or run sometimes it takes 2-3 seconds to complete and s...
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by anely
Blue screen
Why is my visual studio not loading the program just getting a blue screen. code works fine at college. The errors below The thread 0x1ad0 has exited w...
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Validation of inputs
I am doing an assignment and I am a complete novice, in my assignment I have to get the user to input one of two words and then validate their input, i assume I...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks a lot, that was stupid mistake. Cheers (by willB43)
by Sceyef
Program closes
What did I do wrong? This looks similar to one of my other programs, yet once you enter the first input it closes instantly. #include <iostream> using na...
[3 replies] Last: I'm using GNU g++ version 4.8.2. I find that it gives me a lot more w... (by tscott8706)
modeling problem
hiello. im new in c++ and i want to code this problem. anyone could help? thanks in advance. Min f(x^→ )=∑(Xj)^2 -100≤Xj≤100 j=1...5
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sorting digits of an intput
hey guys .. I want to sort the digits of an input integers . Let's suppose that we have two Variables x , y ... the user will enter the value of x ( consid...
[3 replies] Last: To apply a string (or sequence, does not mater) transformation to i... (by MiiNiPaa)
help with linked list
why does it print the adress not the list #include<iostream> #include<string> #include<iostream> using namespace std; struct nodeType { int ...
[2 replies] Last: thanks but what if i wanna print all the data i mean not only the last... (by gabinho770)
overloading operators
Hi i have a little wierd question here,on overloading operators outside classes, for me it seems impossible and unheard of, if possible i will certainly like it...
[no replies]
Trouble Opening a .txt File
In my program that I am making, I am accessing a file that has a full name, a phone number, and a birth date in it, all with spaces between each piece, and stor...
[3 replies] Last: Did you allocate the arrays memory appropriately? Try checking the er... (by tcs)
how to?
I'm 13 and i just started cpp... #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<dos.h> void main() { Char name ; Clrscr(); ...
[2 replies] Last: Soryy... I use turbo c++ so when compile.. It says something iostream ... (by Arunkcpp)
BattleShip Program
Now that my course has ended for C programming, I would like to learn more about coding in C. I recently developed some requirements for a game. All in all, it'...
[2 replies] Last: What a load of crap. If you're trying to get someone to do your work f... (by Immo)
by Auni38
Variable not being subtracted properly. (Very Serious)
OK, well, I have a big big BIG problem here. A very big one. The problem is, whenever I try to subtract a variable with the same number of it's own (a = a - 100...
[13 replies] Last: Hey! Finally solved it! Thanks guys for all the help you gave, and ser... (by Auni38)
Logic incorrect for adding binary
I have to sum two numbers with binary addition and store the value in an array using a function. I am not getting the right answer however. I either get all 0's...
[3 replies] Last: There are some "improvements" that would look good, and give greater c... (by ShodanHo)
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